Internet FAILURE

I am a customer of Vodafone since February/March 2020.

Since the first day, I never had what is supposed to have as the contracted bandwidth (download or upload).

Often, I have to do a hardware reset of the router and now and then I do NOT have service at all.

I tried over and over using the German hotlines but without success.

Imagine, one lives in Berlin and then, when there is a problem, no one at Vodafone speaks English!

But to sign a contract, suddenly, everyone speaks English.

So, can any of you let me know how one can finish the contract with Vodafone due to TERRIBLE service without having to pay anything?

Kind regards,


11 Antworten 11

Hello dt7,


I am happy to look at the facts of the case. Please send me the name of the contract holder, the date of birth, the complete address and the customer number via PN .


Please leave a short feedback here afterwards.


Best regards, Martin

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Hello dt7,

thank you very much for your message.


However, it does not contain any information that I have requested from you.


Please send me the name of the contract holder, the date of birth, the full address and the customer number.


After that, please leave a feedback here.


Best regards, Martin

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Dear Martin,

I do NOT know if it was due to any action from you, but the connection is back (for the moment).

I THANK YOU for your help!

Kind regards,

diogo telmo neves


Hello dt7,


I see that the glitch is not fixed yet. Please refrain from making multiple posts to one topic in the future.


There is currently an interference signal active in your catchment area, which is causing the Beei9nt impairments. The technicians are currently working on the containment and elimination of the interfering signal.


Best regards, Martin

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Dear Martin,

Firstly, thank you for devoting some attention to my nightmare.

Secondly, It is easy to tell someone to refrain from complaining due to a problem for which Vodafone is responsible to fix.

As you can check, after five days the issue is NOT solved.

Moreover, I am spending a lot of money using my mobile phone as a hotspot -- I have to pay for the traffic.

Should I refrain to ask Vodafone to pay my bills?

Should the people that work with me refrain from asking me why I did NOT deliver for an entire week?

Should the European Commission refrain from asking me why am I collaborating in a European project, being paid with money from taxes of European citizens and, yet, I am NOT delivering?

Additionally, even before this problem the service was not reliable, often the connection is of very poor quality, with constant dropouts, very slow connectivity (NOT the bandwidth specified in the contact), and so on and so forth.

That being said, I thank you for your help but, despite the issue will be solved or not, I will find to which address should I send a letter to tell Vodafone that I am terminating the contract by the end of August 2021.
Moreover, I will issue an order to prevent Vodafone from withdrawing money from my bank account, starting September 1st, 2021.

Finally, I apologize for not being as polite as I can/should but I am really **piep**ed off.

Kind regards,




Hey Vodafone DE,

Keep on with the TERRIBLE service.


Is there an award for this?!

Kind regards,



Hello dt7,


they are still working on the bug. We can then issue you a credit for the period.


Greetings Moni

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Hallo Vodafone DE,

After a couple of days with the internet connection with no good quality, I am now since noon (31 July 2021) with NO INTERNET CONNECTION AGAIN, AND AGAIN!

Once again, will Vodafone DE pay for the number of days that I was not able to work?

Will Vodafone DE do the work that should have been doing during all this time?

Will Vodafone DE reimburse me for all the expenses that I am having?

Is it satisfactory for Vodafone DE to state "We can then issue you a credit for the period."?

Bottom line, Vodafone DE keeps making my life miserable.

Kind regards,


Finding a back channel interferer is not that easy, especially if it is not constantly active.
Once it has been found, the Vodafone technician must also have access to the house system, otherwise nothing can be done for the time being. After all, an entire house or, in the worst case, a block of houses with dozens of customers cannot simply be disconnected from the cable network.
Regarding your question about compensation: if you use a private customer tariff, there is no compensation. You will receive a maximum of 1/30 of the monthly price as a credit for each day that the connection cannot be used. Damage compensation can primarily only be claimed by business customers, but the prices are quite different from those of private customers. You can of course sue for damages, but then the moderators are out of here because the legal department has to deal with it. In addition, Vodafone could, just like you, terminate extraordinarily in the event of such a failure, then you no longer have a connection and a DSL connection takes about 4-6 weeks to go online.