Bad internet Connection (English)

Hi, Sorry my german is still on the lower level so I will use English instead

My main problem is the Unstable Internet and during the day several times,  the internet is down.  If I restart the modem, the internet works again. My other problem is high ping, especially on online games. I can't call the customer service because of the language problem.


Could anyone help me with this situation?



30 Antworten 30

Hi @pRo-Marco 


Thanks for replying. I think the other internet provider handled the moving process (They also applied for the taking current number to their side). And I got cancellation confirmation from Vodafone. The contract ending date is 20.11.2023, this date is also written in the cancellation confirmation document. But I would like to cancel it as soon as possible due to cant using properly internet service from Vodafone.  I would like to use my extraordinary cancellation right. (Without paying extra fees for early cancellation)


If you request, I can provide all the relevant information.

Best Regards





Okay, I have stored it like this. The new provider must send another porting request.

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Hi @pRo-Marco 


Thank you. Do I need to do anything right now? Will someone from Vodafone contact me? If I get the earlier cancellation confirmation, I will contact the new provider for another port request. I would like to mention again this cancellation will be an extraordinary cancellation, I have an ongoing contract until 20.11.2023. I don't want to pay to remaining month's fees accidentally because of the wrong cancellation.


Best Regards


You have to contact your new provider, make a new contract und port your number. The cable-contract will end, when the new ones will start.

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Hi @pRo-Marco 


Sorry but I am a little bit confused. I made a new contract with a new provider already and this contract will be started on 20.11.2023 when the Vodafone contract ends. The problem is here I don't want to wait until 20.11.2023 because I can barely use the Vodafone service due to the download/upload problem and want to use extraordinary contract cancellation right before this 20.11.2023 date.;js...

If I can move my Vodafone contract end date to an earlier date, I will contact the new provider to update their

contract. But if I contact them first to move the contract start date earlier, I assume Vodafone will cancel it with extra fees. (The remaining month's fees).  Right? Please correct me if I am wrong.


Best Regards


In this case you are wrong. I have stored in the system that the contract can be terminated at any time without notice. The new provider must therefore request porting from us again to get the new information.

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Hi @pRo-Marco 

Thanks for replying. In this case, I don't need to prove any upload/download problem to you with screenshots because you know the issues for this area already and you already stored in the system that the contract can be terminated at any time without notice.


So like you said it is enough to tell the new provider. Right?


Sorry for the repeated questions 🙂 I just want to clarify for the last time 


Best Regards


Hello Sadik0934,


you're welcome to ask. You have understood correctly. Contact your new provider and they will arrange the number transfer for you. The information that you can terminate your contract early is stored.


Best regards


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Thank you @Nancy 


Hi @Nancy 

I contacted with my new internet provider to update a contract. They told me that they can update the contract start date to 22.08.2022 but they informed me that I should convey this date to you for preventing make a two contract and. Is this date convenient for you? Do i need to anything else?


Best Regards