Internet down

Hi, I have had no internet for one week - the mobile signal is also not working. I checked the fault finder and it says “return path disturbances” - it was supposed to be fixed yesterday - now the message has changed and there is no fix for the date. I can’t get through to customer support and Tobi is not helpful. I need information and a solution. 

14 Antworten 14

Hello @Thomasshaw84,


return path disturbances are sometimes difficult to locate, because the source of the problem is in most cases not permanent. Our technicians can only triangulate the source of the problem, if it is active. Please contact our customer support via these contact channels. for detailed information. The service on WhatsApp is in English. 


LG J0hann 


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Hi Johann. 3 weeks later I’m still without internet. The issue is not fixed. Vodafone tried to send me a 4g router, the delivery failed (I waited home all day and it did not arrive!) The router was sent back to Vodafone by DHL. I spoke to customer service, they promised to re-send the router. This took another 2 weeks!! Yesterday the router arrived and it’s a DSL router (the same one I already have!!!). After trying to get through to customer support for 3 hours, and constantly  being hung uo

on., I was so frustrated I went to the Vodafone store. They told me they could not help, they tried to call

customer services and could also not get through!!! I’m completely lost now and have no more patience or time to solve this issue. Please help 


The WhatsApp channel is useless, it only directs me to Tobi who tells me to check the fault checker (which also does not work!). 

Hello @Thomasshaw84,


TOBi also connects to my human colleaugues. Please ask him to connect to a customer support representative. 


BR J0hann 

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Hi Johan. Tobi does not, he directs me to the fault checker website (which is also down!!) and then closes the chat. 
Please can you communicate on this situation?

Hi Johann. 3 weeks later I’m still without internet. The issue is not fixed. Vodafone tried to send me a 4g router, the delivery failed (I waited home all day and it did not arrive!) The router was sent back to Vodafone by DHL. I spoke to customer service, they promised to re-send the router. This took another 2 weeks!! Yesterday the router arrived and it’s a DSL router (the same one I already have!!!). After trying to get through to customer support for 3 hours, and constantly  being hung uo

on., I was so frustrated I went to the Vodafone store. They told me they could not help, they tried to call

customer services and could also not get through!!! I’m completely lost now and have no more patience or time to solve this issue. Please help 

Hello @Thomasshaw84,


our technicians are aware of the fault checker and are working on it. 

TOBi connecting to the fault checker is also a sign that we are still working on the return path. 


LG J0hann 

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Yes I know this for 4 weeks -please ready my message. I was promised a 4g router but is has not been sent, instead I was sent a new wlan router that is useless. Why is no one listening to or understanding my issue? 

Hey @Thomasshaw84,


I do understand the issue. To help, our service has to have a look into your customer account. 

I am sorry, but contacting our customer service via one of these contact channels is the only way to get help with the issue.  


BR J0hann 

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I’ve spent 3 hours on hold this weekend. Is there an email option? I’m not willing to waste any more time on hold, only to be hung up on.