




DSL model easybox 804 stuck not working

I went for 7 days vacations and my router (easybox 804) was disconnected from the power outlet during this time.

Once I came back, I reconnected it to the power and the modem turned on and stayed with the bottom red light and the three top green led lights (internet, telefon and wlan) continuosly on.

However, there is no wireless network created by the router and I cannot access it even if I connect directly a network cable between it and my computer.


I followed every available vodafone guide with no sucess.


I even tried to hard reset the router, as recomended by the guide, and for my surprise no matter how long I hold the reset button, the modem does not change the behvaior at all. The three top green lights continue on continuosly, as well as the bottom red light.


I really appreciate any help as soon as possible.


9 Antworten 9

Adding more information: (google translate: Weitere Informationen hinzufügen)


Was ist genau gestört (Vollständiger Ausfall oder Einschränkungen der Geschwindigkeit)?

Complete failure

(Google translate: Vollständiger Ausfall)

Was sagt die Störungsabfrage?

I followed all troubleshooting information without any success.

(Google translate: Ich habe alle Informationen zur Fehlerbehebung ohne Erfolg befolgt.)


Habt Ihr mit Hilfe der Checkliste einen Reset durchgeführt?

Normal reset made no difference. Unplugging for several minutes from the power outlet also made no difference. Hard reset holding the reset button for more than 10 seconds makes no difference. Hard reset does not even work.

(Google translate: Normales Zurücksetzen machte keinen Unterschied. Das Herausziehen des Netzsteckers für einige Minuten aus der Steckdose machte ebenfalls keinen Unterschied. Ein Hard-Reset, bei dem die Reset-Taste länger als 10 Sekunden gedrückt gehalten wird, macht keinen Unterschied. Hard Reset funktioniert nicht einmal.)


Seit wann besteht die Störung?

It is happening since Saturday, 14-Mar-2020.

(Google translate: Es passiert seit Samstag, 14. März 2020.)


Hat der Anschluss bereits funktioniert?

Yes. The router worked since day one without any issues until last week.

(Google translate: Ja. Der Router funktionierte seit dem ersten Tag ohne Probleme bis letzte Woche.)


Welche Hardware nutzt Du (z.B. EasyBox 804 / FRITZ!Box 7590)?

EasyBox 804


Welche LED's leuchten an Deinem Router in welcher Farbe?

Bottom led, continuous red.

Top leds (Internet, telefon and Wlan) continuously green.

(Google translate: Unten geführt, durchgehend rot. Top-LEDs (Internet, Telefon und Wlan) leuchten durchgehend grün.)


Leuchten, blinken oder pulsieren die LED's?

Light up continuously (Leuchten).


Gab es Unwetter in Deiner direkten Umgebung in jüngster Vergangenheit?

No. (Nie)


Hi RenatoRodrigues,

welcome to the Vodafone community. Smiley (fröhlich)


That sounds like a defect of the EasyBox. Let's have a closer look on it. Please send me a private message with your customer number and password (alternatively full name, address and birth date of our contract partner).




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We have exactly the same issue. How was this fixed. It's impossible to come in contact with Vodafone! I'm so disappointed. 😟

I have the same problem. Could you please share what the solution is?

I have tried Restart, Reset already. No luck. All the LEDs are always on.


Hi @joel_myworld ,


I'm sorry that you have restrictions on your connection. Is it DSL or cable?


Have you already restarted the router?


You can send me a PN with your customer number. Then I'll take a look at it.


BR, Michi

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I have exactly the same problem, very frustrating. Can somone help here?


Hey umarkhan,

i'm sorry to hear that your easybox is not working properly.

Feel free to send me a private message with your customernumber & mobilenumber.
I'll have a look into this & open a technical ticket.


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Hi Team,


I have the same problem. Could someone please help me to resolve this issue. I tried calling Vodafone few times this days and none of them speaks english unfortunately.





Hi @Mohammed3 ,


we are happy to help you.


Please contact us directly at https://forum.vodafone.de/t5/Vodafone-News/Euer-Kontakt-zu-Vodafone/td-p/1912292 so that we can also see your customer data.


You can also contact us via Facebook or Twitter, because our colleagues speak English.


Many greetings


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