am 30.01.2022 17:04
Apparently this is the only way to get support in English. I tried calling +491722290229 and dialed 4 but ended up being disconnected without understanding a single word. I just changed my tarif to CallYa Digital and after getting my 20€ I was only credited with 5GB of internet. I changed because it said 15GB. I need to speak to someone who can resolve this please.
Thank you,
am 30.01.2022 17:33
As far as I know, CallYa Digital has no hotline support - you have to use the self-service portal and the WhatsApp support instead.
am 31.01.2022 08:04
Hello @catarina98,
please send me your phone number by PN, then I´ll take a look at it for you.
(PN - this is how it works: click on my name and then right on "sende eine private Nachricht ")
best regards,