Sim cancelation

My vodafone contract got canceled in June and Vodafone has offered me via email the option to keep using my simcards by opt in for the prepaid (pay as you go, cancel anytime).

I used it until August, but after that I haven't paid future invoices, thinking that would kick off the termination. That doesn't seem to be the case as Vodafone keeps sending me invoices of a service I don't even have/use anymore. I've moved out of Germany in August 31st.

I would like to get some help to cancel this, as I can't call with the old numbers, since I don't have them anymore, nor can I go on a Vodafone store to cancel it onsite.
I also would like to state that the unfair billing for months which I clearly not used.

PS: I don't my DE vodafone number anymore, nor I can cancel in Germany as I no longer live there. I've tried using the contact form but it only errors out saying that it can submit the information ( almost like it's doing it on purpose once the subject is cancelation )

I do have an open invoice, but as long as I dont hear a cancelation confirmation, I'm paying, otherwise vodafone will keep charging forever.

Looking to hearing back from any support members,

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