am 19.01.2021 19:25
Dear all, since 4 months I am asking Vodafone to correct the wrong charges for my mobile phone which are different to the agreement I did end of August 2020, while I was still a Telekom client. And now in January I see a double charge!!! Unacceptable. My agreement was that my contract would have started in December 2020, even if I signed end of August 2020. You tricked me bad. Please align with your Filiale in Köln dürener str. because I have visited them 4 times and they always say , yes it is in the process....few minutes ago I called your hotline and they advised me to go with the police in the shop...are we getting nuts or not...
am 22.01.2021 16:13
Hello @Customersupport,
i think there´s no reason to get nuts or the police.
Can you please send me a PN with your mobile number and customer password.
am 22.01.2021 17:13
Hi Boris. Thanks for following up. Actually I am dealing with it his WhatsApp Vodafone support. Thankfully. LG
am 28.01.2021 13:00
Hey Customersupport,
Could my colleages from whatsapp solve the issue?
Then I'd like to close this thread.
am 28.01.2021 14:20
Hi Andre
they are working on that.