- zuletzt bearbeitet am
Greetings VODAFONE team,
I am writing this letter because I seem to have been stuck in a useless contract with Vodafone for months and despite my efforts or those of your employees, there is no way to terminate it properly. My customer number is 119xxxxxx. In May I signed a contract with Vodafone for an internet service. It was supposed to be a service with a TV cable connection. But after two Vodafone technicians visited my apartment, it was determined that a TV cable connection was not possible in my apartment, so we had to switch to a DSL contract. *Name deleted*, one of your employees, then offered me a temporary Gigacube connection contract. He explained to me that this only costs 1 euro because I would return the Gigacube in a month. The contract would supposedly be terminated as soon as the DSL connection was installed. And I returned the Gigacube after a few weeks, all according to the contract. I never received a cancellation confirmation for my Gigacube contract, only the document that *Name deleted* gave me. I was also told that a DSL connection was not possible in my apartment, so I would have to cancel this contract as well.
Until now, I still receive monthly invoices for the Gigacube contract, although your employee assured that the contract was terminated. Since then, I have visited the Vodafone center in Bonn so many times that I can no longer count. And each time I speak to an employee who promises to help me with my situation. I remember once being told that my contract was officially terminated, although it was still registered in the system. And on my last visit, I was told that my contract was not terminated at all. I have also been advised several times by your employees that the management will be informed and I will receive a call to confirm the termination of my contract. This has not happened so far. On November 25, *Name deleted* mentioned that he has already terminated the contract 6 times. Also, that he has spoken to his supervisor and that he is also aware of the termination of the contract.
It is very clear to me that someone at Vodafone is not doing their job properly. This bureaucratic loop seems to be the result of a lack of internal communication. It has caused me a lot of stress and frustration. The matter should be very simple. My contract should be terminated as soon as possible and I should receive a full refund of the money I paid for a service I do not use. The total amount for the refund is 129 euros, taking into account the September invoice. Please also check the attachments to this letter. They include all the invoices and documents I received from your employee *Name deleted* and by email.
Best regards
Jane Roque
Anhang aus Datenschutzgründen gelöscht
edit2: clearname of employee and custumer number deleted / shorted
am 20.12.2024 11:05
Hello @janeroque ,
It's a real shame that it happened like this. I would recommend that you contact the service directly. Then they will be able to help you.
best regards Ufo36