13.12.2024 09:22 - bearbeitet 13.12.2024 09:30
I am owning 2 mobile telephone numbers.
The one was renewed yesterday, and the other one is going to be renewed in March.
Up until now, I am paying for both phone numbers together almost 72 EUR per month for 50GB.
Since yesterday, I am going to be paying 20 EUR per month for the phone number that I renewed yesterday for 40GB just for this phone number.
The issue here is that I can't find how much in total i am going to be paying from now on for both phone numbers and what amount of data is allowed for each phone number.
I really hope it won't be 72+20 EUR!
I tried to find info in my customer page but there is no update there.
Any support to clarify this, will be super appreciated.
Thank you!
am 13.12.2024 20:23
Hello there Nikos!
We are here to help! Please send us a WhatsApp to 0172 4401212 so we can speed things up.
You can also reach us via SMS.
LG Genwyn.
am 13.12.2024 21:28
Hi Genwyn!
I have tried to use this number via WhatsApp but I can't. I will send an SMS.
am 13.12.2024 21:37
Thanks very much! We will message you ASAP to see what we can do. ❤️
am 13.12.2024 21:48
I have already sent an SMS at the number that you asked me to. I hope you will clarify for me the situation and I can receive clear information. Thank you