Technician has not shown up

I bought Vodafone red internet via cable in Dec. Dec 29 the technician had to come and install the setup box in the basement since this is a new apartment. Ever since I am waiting for the technician. *** is my customer number. Can someone pls help me. This is very disappointing 


Edit: deleted your customer number. 

3 Antworten 3

Hello RedInternet,


it is annoying that the technician did not show up :/. Did you get a new appointment? If not, please send me the following details via PM:


- your name

- the full address

- the customer number

- birth date of the contract owner

- the MAC address of the router

- a mobile number


Please reply here in this thread afterwards.


Kind regards,


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Hi  Claudia,

I am also facing the same issues, I have scheduled the appointment but nobody showed up.
and i haven't received any hardware as well . This is hampering my office work and due to this i have to go office every day in this weather .

Could you please help me?
Please let me know if I can also share my details.

Hello @Claudia 

Direct contact via PN is no longer available. It is best to contact customer service directly via WhatsApp.
As this thread is already more than 2 years old, I am closing it.

Best regards

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