am 04.05.2021 14:11 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 04.05.2021 16:45 von Kurtler
Vodafone is the worse provider ever!!! Never again!!!
I have sent the termination info to on 25.02.2021 because of moving out of the current apartment end of May and vodafone can't provide service at the new place. I didn't get any info back then. I called several times to customer(if vodafone knows this word) support during those months and the only info I was given that I need to call again when I have access to new apartment, so vodafone technician can come and check that there is no technical possibility to connect with vodafone. Today(03.05) I received and email that I my termination is due at 29.08? Why, wtf? vodafone won't be providing internet for me. I pay to vodafone and vodafone gives nothing in return. It's a fraud!!!!!
After paying to this sh**ty provider for 6 years, you still want to get hold of 3 months without any logic reason.
I hope you vodafone will vanish to not cheat people!
Edit: @AndriiK Moved from feedback in the right board. Best regards Kurtler
Userban wg. Missachtung der Forenregeln. Gruß, das Mod-Team
am 04.05.2021 15:18
That is German law.
Telekommunikationsgesetz §46
am 04.05.2021 20:38
Hi AndriiK,
apart from your inappropriate tone, for which you will be immediately banned from this forum, the legal regulations apply to you as well as to everyone else.
I close this thread herewith as well, since a continuation of this conversation doesn’t make sense anyway.