Received a claim from Paigo for a transferred contract


Back in Oct 2017, I signed up for a DSL contract with UnityMedia. I had this contract until May 2018 after which I moved out of the apartment where this connection was. 


On moving out, I transferred the contract to the next person who was moving in on mutual agreement. After transferring this, I stop receiving any bills from UnityMedia. 


Recently, I received a claim from Paigo asking me to pay the bills from Dec 2019 till Nov 2021. This doesn't make sense as I transferred the contract in May 2018 and then more than a year later, I start receiving the bills again?


I informed Paigo about this and now they want me to send them a confirmation of the contract transfer which I can't find since all this happened more than two years ago. Can you please help me out with this?



7 Antworten 7

Don't know why my thread was deleted but bumping for visibilty. 

Please do not open multiple posts on the same topic, these will be deleted without comment according to the forum rules. A push doesn't make sense either, since your thread will slip back to the bottom of the mods stack of requests to be processed.

To your problem:
Did you receive confirmation from Unitymedia at the time that your contract was terminated? Or did you simply leave the cable router to your next tenant and trust that he would pay the bills that were due?

Hi Torsten, 


My memory is hazy since this was a while ago. But yea I did transfer the contract by following the steps that UnityMedia suggested using a form. I have a feeling that somehow with the acquisition of UnityMedia by Vodafone during this time, the transfer got overlooked?

No, the takeover by Vodafone has nothing to do with it, the contract takeover is not affected.
It is and has been confirmed to each customer in writing by mail when the contract has been accepted. You would then have received a letter that your contract has ended for you and your new tenant that he has now taken over all rights and obligations as well as the new customer number.


Hi JohnTho,


I'm really sorry to read your case. Smiley (traurig)


We will try to help you with this. So please send me a pm with following data information:


- name

- old costumer number

- address

- date of birth


Please send a notification here on this thread after you've sent your pm.


Kind regards


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Hi Chr1ssy 


I've sent you a message!


Hi JohnTho,


I just wanted to tell you, that I've received the pm.


I need to talk to our special department first, before I can reply to your pm.


You will get a reply to your pm on friday.


Kind regards


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