Wrong charges - New Internet Vodafone Contract

I have started a change of internet provider from O2 to Vodafone (Cablemax 1000 + Fritzbox), middle of October 2021. I did so via Check24 in order to automatically change contracts. I did the request to Check24 the 15/10/2021, and the deadline to terminate the Contract with O2 was 27/10/2021. The termination date of the previous annual contract with O2 is 27/01/2022.


As the there was only couple of weeks left for Check24 or Vodafone to terminate the contract with O2 on their end, I was suggested to terminate the contract with O2 on my own. Which I did and it went normally.

Vodafone then suggested to start the contract immediately the 15/10/2021 with no charges, as a "grace priod". Their promise was to make no charges until the contract with O2 ends the 27/01/2022. I accepted and the Fritzbox was sent to my address. Couple weeks after, I had the service from Vodafone fully activated.


Everything went fine, I received the first bill accordingly in November only charging the cost of the Fritzbox, which is OK. However, the phone number request to O2 took longer than expected. As the phone number was still not transfered to Vodafone end of November, I was sent a second bill from Vodafone charging me the full cost of the service for the last 2 weeks of November, since the "grace period" was only valid for changes of contract where Vodafone takes over the phone number of the previous provider, in this case O2. 

I insisted many times via Vodafone hotline, that the phone number change was delayed by multiple reasons, but that it was in process. The answer from Vodafone was always that as soon as the number was offcially transfer to them, the bill would be corrected. This never happened and the December bill was charged to my bank account anyway. 


Beginning of January, the phone transfer from O2 to Vodafone failed once more due to a problem with O2, reason why Vodafone charged me retroactively the cost of the service in the January bill, this time since 15/10/2021. I insisted once more to O2 and provided Vodafone the phone number change form via Fax the same day, and the change of phone number finally happened officially. I was notified the day 06/01/2022 via post that my phone number now belongs officially to Vodafone, starting the 11/02/2022. I have insisted many times via phone and email to Check24 and Vodafone to then correct the last two bills and refund the money already charged to my bank account, with no answer.


Today, 27/01/2022, the bills are not corrected still, and moreover they January bill debited the money from my bank account. I keep insisting via Vodafone but assistants refuse to give me a solution but to keep waiting.


This proposal of Vodafone to anticipate the beginning of the contract "for free" has been a total scam. I was never informed that such "grace period" was subject of so many conditions, and that failing to accomplish them for external factors in this case would result in being charged anyway. Will I ever be refunded what Vodafone has charged me so far? maybe in future bills they will discount it? 


My last resort now is that a Vodafone assistant can give an answer through this channel. By the way, my German is not bad but to explain this situation in German via phone might be hard even for native speakers, and I find ridiculous that all the Vodafone telephonists I have encountered so far refuse to speak a little English to help the customer. 





6 Antworten 6

Unfortunately that is your problem. All documents and conditions were sent to you with the order confirmation. If there are problems with phone number transfer because you are about to request a change of provider without paying attention to the processing times, it is not Vodafone's fault. And apparently you filled out the number transfer form incorrectly twice and sent it to Vodafone, which means that the guarantee to change has expired. The form must be filled out correctly and signed and sent to Vodafone within 14 days of activation of the connection, otherwise the switch benefit will expire and you will have to pay the connection from day 1.

Thanks Torsten for your answer. Apparently you took the time to read my problem, but you are assuming many things that are not as you describe. The contract was requested via Check24, the way it works is, Check24 delegates the request to Vodafone with no double check, because my initial request was to start with Vodafone right after the end of the O2 contract, terms of contract which I checked thoroughly before signing, obviously. The change of those terms happened during the call back from Vodafone/Check24 proposing the anticipated start. If during that call, I asked explicitly the conditions about preponing the contract start, and they did not tell me thoroughly the details, I in good faith had no reason to assume that some details were omitted, then accepted during the call. Only later when documents arrived to my mailbox I got to see all the conditions.

Regarding the phone changing form I submitted, the first I did it wrong, true anyone can make a mistake. Then received a reminder of Vodafone to submit it again before a second deadline. I sent it timely a second time. Then O2 on their end rejects arbitrarily and unreasonably, this time not my mistake, and I don't get to see the problem until Vodafone charges me the second bill. Only when I called Vodafone after the second wrong bill was generated, they explained that O2 rejected the change and that I should submit it once more. That same day only they sent me a notification via mail. I replied with another phone changing form as soon as I got to know, which fortunately that time was accepted.

I am not asking for the world really. Just a bit of flexibility from Vodafone to handle a series of unfortunate events. 

Thanks for taking the time to give me your perspective as a responsible customer anyway, Torsten. I still hope someone from Vodafone can drop me a message. I forgot to give my Kundennummer. It is ***


Edit: Customer number removed


Hi HugoVignolo,


so that we can assign it correctly first, from which of german states do you come?


Best regards


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Hi Lars,

I live in Stuttgart, Baden Württemberg.

With best regards.


Hi HugoVignolo,


i would like to check whether we can do something for you or not.


Therefore I need some personal data information from you via pm.


Following data is needed:


- name

- costumer number

- date of birth

- address


Please write in here again, after you've sent the pm.


Kind regards



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Hello Chr1ssy


I have replied to you privately with the information.


With best regards,