My Router did not arrive

Hi, sorry for writing the thread in English but my German is not good enough to reach out to the customer service over the phone. 


I ordered Vodafone CableMax 1000 recently but I could not receive the router from DHL. The tracking status is now "Die Sendung wurde direkt ab Paketzentrum dem Geschäftskunden zugestellt." I suppose it means they returned the packet to Vodafone. 


I was wondering if you can send me the router again.


Thank you for the help in advance! 

1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hi Maria, 


Thank you for the reply!

I sent you a private message with my contract detail 



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6 Antworten 6

Hello NewUser1,


you couldn't receive the package? Please tell me which state you come from.


Best regards


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Hi Nancy, 


Thank you for swift response. I am in Mannheim Baden-Württemberg.



Hi Nancy,


I have been waiting for your response. It would be great if you can give me any update.


Thank you!


Hello NewUser1,


I can send you the router again.

Can you please send me a PM with the following details:


Name of the contract holder

Date of birth

Street + house number

postcode + city


Customer number

current mobile phone number


Please let us know briefly here if you have written us a PN.


Many greetings,


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Hi Maria, 


Thank you for the reply!

I sent you a private message with my contract detail 



Since the solution has been marked here, I'll close now. If you have any questions or concerns again, just start a new thread in the correct board.