Moving to another City, and will be in a temporary apartment for 6months with internet

Hello , 

I will like to ask what I can do about my Vodafone service . I currently use the Red Internet & Phone 50 Cable and I will like to end the contract as I will be in a temporary apartment from August - February 2023 and wont be needing my Vodafone until I get a permanent apartment next year . 


Can you advise me how to go about this as I do not want to be paying for the service since I wont be using it , so I want to know how to end it .


Thank you 

7 Antworten 7

Hello bukolaj,


welcome to the community.


The question is, when did you sign your current contract? Is it still in the minimum contract period? If yes, then it must be checked whether you can continue to use it at the transition address.

If it is out of the minimum contract period, you have a notice period of 4 weeks.


Best Regards


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Hi Anett ,


Thanks for your quick reply , 

I signed the contract - December 2021

I am not able to use it at the transition period because I already have internet in the temporary apartment I will be in for 6months . 

What do you advise ? so I dont keep paying for a service I wont be using for a whole 6months 


looking foward to your response 



I advise you to first check if we are available at the new address. If we are, then you will unfortunately have to take the contract with you, unless the contract in the apartment also runs through us.

If the new address is not covered by us, you can submit a notice of termination. You are welcome to use our relocation tool for both .


Best Regards




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@Anett  schrieb:

I advise you to first check if we are available at the new address. If we are, then you will unfortunately have to take the contract with you,

Attention. It must be the same as in your current apartment.


Hi Annet, 

THanks for your response . 

Okay so since it is a must I take it with me to Berlin since I am still under contract . What do I need to do for the change of address as there is high chance I wont be needing it for the next 6months but will be paying for the service as advised

Do I need to fill any form for this or i just move and then end the contact at the end of 2 years which is in December?




Hello bukolaj,


You are welcome to enter your own move using the form I have already sent you. 🙂


Best Regards


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Hello Vodafone,


We just moved to friedrichsain area in Berlin and after visiting the vodafone office, we were informed that we can't use our cable connection in the area as only DSL connection is available in the area.


Kindly inform me how to send the city registration(anmeldung) to validate our new place of residence.

