
Dear KundeService,
I'm a new customer with Vodafone Kabel and I started my contract with Vodafone at November 15, 2021 with this contract “ Red Internet & Phone 50 Cable: Price 1.-6. Month only EUR 0.00, download up to 50 Mbit / s and upload up to 5 Mbit / s ”. I started to have issues with the internet in December and I contacted customer care on this number 0800 5893432486 on 23.12.21-31.12.21 to report an internet issue with my cable. 
The issue was not mainly on internet speed but it's mainly more about stability as the internet keeps disconnecting over and over. The employee was a nice guy and he recommended to me to upgrade the speed from 50 Mbit / s to 100 Mbit / s and I asked him if I'm going to pay extra money or not and he confirmed to me that I'm going to pay the same for 50 Mbit / s which is 29.99 € per month. He also confirmed to me that I'm going to start paying after 6 months just like the original contract I had which was 50 Mbit / s so I agreed based on that and I agreed to upgrade the speed to 100 Mbit / s. Unfortunately, it seems he was not right and at January 5, 2022I checked my invoice for January and it stated that I should pay 38.70 € ( 29.99 € for January + 8.71 € for December) which is something he did not explain and told me at all that I'm going to pay this amount. If he told me that I would not agree and upgrade the speed to 100 Mbit / s.


I would like to report about this issue and kindly ask you to update my contract to start paying after 6 months just like my original one  

11 Antworten 11

Hi mabuaisha,


the 50 tariff with the first 6 months free is now active again. The bill will then correct itself automatically. Please give me feedback as soon as the next invoice is available.


Best regards


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Hi Laras,

Sure will keep you posted about that
