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I have been getting charged for two contracts lately for the past 6 months wherein one of the contract (Cus# 732***) was in use only for first 5 months from March, 2019 - July, 2019.
After, this period, because I relocated, my connection was transferred and I received a new contract (Cus# 933***) which is the active and valid connection that has been in use since then. But suddenly since March 2021, I observed that I have been getting charged for both the contracts separately - 20€ monthly for the active one and 50€ monthly for the old inactive account.
Why have I been getting charged the additional 50€ monthly for the other ghost account (Cus# 732***) that have not been in use for 2 years and assuming is also not a valid contract anymore because I have been using the other active contract (Cus# 933***) which is the active account since Aug, 2019?
I am all in all paying 70€ monthly to Vodafone for the past 6 months!!
To make it worst, the customer care does not understand my concern
Edit: Customer numbers editet. Lars (Moderator)
am 12.09.2021 12:52
welcome to the Vodafone Community.
How did you order the relocation?
If you ordered a completely new contract, the old one does not get cancelled automatically.
am 17.09.2021 07:48
Hi Jen,
I didn't order a new contract. I had only asked for a transfer request and based on my transfer request they had sent me the attached transfer confirmation. In this letter, ite mentioned that they will give a new contract because of my movement.
Main thing is, after that I was never charged for the old contract for 2 years now. I didn't get any post, no email nothing regarding the old contract. It was like completely inactive for 2 years. Suddenly, after 2 years, vodafone started taking money for the old contract without any kind of email notification. This is happening since, Feb 2021.
Finally, when I called customer care, they terminated the contract and this contract didn't even have my new address.
Questions are
1) why did vodafone start taking money suddenly after 2 years of inactivity?
2) why did the old contract not realise that solely because of the transfer, I am issued a new contract and therefore immediately after my movement, all payments in the old contract had discontinued, so why didn't the new address get updated in their data base based on the new contract? Where is the logic?
3) This letter from 2 years back mentions ( as that is the last communication from vodafome for old contract) that because I have moved, they have generated a new contract and this old contract will be now inactive. Why did vodafone stop taking money for 2 years on old contract?
Best Regards
am 19.09.2021 10:16
Hello FalsePayments,
I'll take a look at it. Please send me your customer number, name, date of birth and address by private message and then get back to me here in this post.
Best regards
am 19.09.2021 12:53
Hi Nancy,
I have sent the requested details in the private message as you suggested
I really look forward to a resolution as the customer support over Whatsapp is really not understanding the problem statement and only repeating to me the contract termination dates and details that I am already aware of.
I am making a refund request as this is a glitch on Vodafone's end and I don't understand why should a customer suffer and pay for a systematic error on Vodafone's end.
Kind Regards,
Haseeb Rahman
am 21.09.2021 08:20
Hi FalsePayments,
the move was processed correctly and the contract was recorded under customer number 933***. In December, there was a new order for customer number 732***. We sent all the documents for this to the address in Aschaffenburg. Did you get this?
am 21.09.2021 11:30
Hi Thomas,
First of all, i want to thank you for all your quick replies and patience in trying to understand the issue.
I want to confirm that in December, I never requested any new order for 732***. In December, 2020, I contacted Vodafone for yet another transfer request of 933*** as from Jan, 2021 I am staying in my new house (current address). In December 2020, I could only make any request for a contract that I was using and paying for and that is 933*****. Why will I make any request for 732*** when I had not been using and paying for 2 years? It is a clear confusion and misunderstanding because of 2 accounts - please understand.
In December, 2020 - because i was again moving to a new house in Aschaffenburg, I contacted Vodafone for the "in use" contract 933**** as I wanted to make a transfer request of this one to my new address and this happened successfully because of which I have been using the Internet for this contract 933****.
Secondly, since I moved in December, 2020 to my current new address, I will not receive any documents related to 732*** if Vodafone had attempted to send anything to my old address as I don't stay there anymore!
My next question is not getting answered at all in all replies - why did Vodafone start charging for contract 732**** suddenly after 2 years when for 2 years I didn't pay for this contract at all? For 2 years there was no payment, no notification and suddenly after 2 years you start charging me without any notification!
I am making a refund request again and again. Can somebody from Vodafone please call me for the ease of discussion and clarification?
I want to end this topic and I really would initiate legal notice or consult my lawyer next as I don't now how long this will continue without a solution. I am trying for a resolution for close to 3 weeks now ever since I noticed that Vodafone has been charging me for 2 contracts - one on new address (933***) and other on an obsolete contract (732***) for an old address with should have been understood to be not a valid address because of the fact that customer has made a transfer request and obviously this address will not valid anymore. How can it be expected that I receive all documents when I have made a transfer request - is it not obvious common sense and logical that since this is transfer request, one cannot be available in the old address!
am 24.09.2021 15:22
Hi FalsePayments,
thanks for your explanations. That helped to sort things out.
As Thomas already mentioned, there was a new order under the old account in late December 2020. Since this matches the time of the move notification under your new customer number, the misunderstanding must have happened here somehow.
But that helps us a lot here. Based on your explanations, I can order the booking out and correction of the payments for you.
- zuletzt bearbeitet am
Hi Stephan,
Thank you so much! I am glad that we are able to understand and come to a resolution.
I would deeply appreciate if you can please confirm the amount of payment correction refund and by when it can be expected to be processed over an email.
Is it possible to confirm this over an email?
My understanding is all payments on Contract# 732*** from Jan, 2021 till September, 2021.
I request for an official confirmation over an email.
Kind Regards,
am 27.09.2021 08:21
Hi FalsePayments,
right you will get the payments back. An e-mail will not be sent out for this purpose. You have the official communication here with us.