Charged 2 twice for 16 months !!!

I was living in Munich and i had "Red Internet & Phone 50 Cable". I moved to Eschborn on 1st October 2020 and i asked to move my internet connection to Eschborn. Because it is old apartment in Eschborn, vodafone  "Red Internet & Phone 50 Cable" was not possible and Vodafone Shop in Eschborn has offered me "Red Internet & Phone 50 DSL" and promised me that the contract from Munich "Red Internet & Phone 50 Cable" cancelled. I have submitted my City registration form from Escborn with move in date as 1st Oct 2020. Then "Red Internet & Phone 50 DSL" started working. But the contract from old apartment was not cancelled and vodafone charged me till January 2022, which is 16 months. Eventhough i have submitted all documents including the cancellation on Oct 2020, i have been charged continusouly. I have called vodafone customer care service more than 200 times but no use. All the time i get the answer as we will look into it and you wont be charged hereafter. I have tried whatsapp service as well but that didnt also help. So finally i landed here on this forum. Kindly someone here help me to get my money back. 


9 Antworten 9

Hello Sathya,

I would like to have a look at the facts of the case. Please send me a PN  with your data (name, customer number, address and date of birth). Please the data from the old address.

As soon as the PN is out, please contact me again here in the post.

Best Regards


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Hi @Anett ,


I have sent the requested details as Personal Message to you.

Kindly do the needful.


Thank you.


Hello Sathya,


I have looked at it. We received your new move notification on 01.11.2021. Therefore, your contract was terminated on 01.02.2022. Unfortunately, we did not have any information that you had concluded a DSL contract.


Best reagrds


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Hi @Nancy  @Anett ,


First time on Aug 2020, i have asked Vodafone representative in Munich Vodafone shop (Marienplatz 25, 80331 München)  for changing my connection to Eschborn and they asked me to send cancellation and i did sent written cancellation on same day. My understanding was that contract was cancelled and i moved to Eschborn. After moving to new apartment on 1st Oct 2020, there was no internet connection and i went to at Vodafone shop in Eschborn (Ginnheimer Str. 17, 65760 Eschborn) and the vodafone representative there helped me to get new contract and drafted me a new cancellation letter for Munich connection. So i posted that again with the address provided by Vodafone representative and this time i sent via deutsche post with tracking nummner (Have attached it here). After few days, i checked the status of cancellation letter, it was delivered. So i thought it got cancelled this time. After few months when i was going through my account statement, i realised that i am being charged for Munich connection. This continued until Jan 2022.


So could you please consider my case and refund my money. Sorry to say, that is not at all fair. I am not sure what else i have to do to get my money back. I really hope that @Nancy @Anett will get money back.


Hello Sathya,

unfortunately, we can no longer do anything with the shipment number. The reason is the data is deleted after 3 months.


Best regards


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Hi @Tina ,

I have been charged around 400eur for the connection which I have been not using and have given cancellation . How to get it back ? Do I need to contact consumer court or handle it with an lawyer?




Sorry, but I don't get you a other answer.


Best regards


Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes und Sternen!

Do you have any written letter/proof that your move or cancellation was accepted to Oct 20?

Was your phone number transferred to the DSL contract? 

hi @MasterScorpion ,

Yes, i have city registration copy as well as DHL receipt (by which i sent the cancellation to Vodafone)