am 09.08.2022 13:30
Sorry for my english my German is not good.
I would like to request the cancelation of my security package , I contract kableMax service on july but I do not need the security package hence my solicitude to remove it, please.
I have review some post regarding this topic but havent get a single answer from mail therefore I am writting this post. apologies for the inconvenience.
Best Regards
am 11.08.2022 07:01
Hello Horax,
unfortunately we cannot process this at this point. The best way to cancel the security package is via the contact form
am 20.08.2022 16:29
Why it is not possible? , I have seen that by posting in the community forum you can help cancelling the security package? , the link you provide also does not help at all since I do not want to cancel my contract.... I just want to cancel the security package which I do not need.
am 20.08.2022 16:46
There was a change in the forum.
"As of August 15, 2022, we will no longer offer individual support via private message (PM)."