250 mbit contract via Cable 24

Good morning,


I concluded around a week agoa contract for 250 mbit cable connection, giving as move in date the 20.12.

However, I keep getting the following message:


Lieber xxxxx,     Du hast ein neues Schreiben von uns bekommen - per Post oder E-Mail. Die Kopie davon findest Du jetzt für die nächsten 13 Monate auf vodafone.de/meinedokumente.  Freundliche Grüße Dein Vodafone-Team


Since I didn't move in yet, I am not able at the moment to receive communication by post. Is it possible to forward those communications to my e-mail address, or enable my account for the online portal?



10 Antworten 10

Thank you for your feedback. As requested, I'm closing here now.