am 28.12.2021 16:47 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 29.12.2021 18:20 von Torsten
I am trying to port forward so that I can host a Minecraft server. I had managed to get it working last year but then in the summer 2021 it just stopped ....
I haven't changed any settings and checked all the port forwarding within the router and using port checking sites, the ports remain closed.
Can anyone help? I do believe that the problem is coming from Vodafone.
Many thanks,
Edit: @Thilo29 Thread moved from Community- to Internet-Geräte-Board.
am 31.12.2021 18:52
Hello Thilo29, do you speak german?
Please give more informations (DSL, cable, DS-lite, Dual-Stack, type of router, kind of your contract with Vodafone, ...).
am 06.01.2022 11:20
Leider nicht so gut, Google Translate hilft dabei!
Router type: Vodafone TG3442DE
Kind of Contract: Red Internet Cable
Wie bekomme ich die DSL, Kabel, DS-lite, Dual-Stack Informationen für Sie? Was brauchen Sie noch?
am 06.01.2022 13:22
@Thilo29 : Let your IP-Address(es) detect by this site :
Please be patient for a moment until you see the results like this:
Ihre IPv4 Internet-Adresse ist höchstwahrscheinlich 123.456.789.123
Sie haben eine funktionierende IPv6-Anbindung. Dieser Tab listet weitere Seiten auf, die über IPv6 erreichbar sind:
Ihr DNS Server (wahrscheinlich von Ihrem ISP betrieben) scheint über IPv6-Internetzugriff zu verfügen.
Please copy the results in your answer.
am 06.01.2022 13:24
@Thilo29: I forgot: don't copy your real IP-Adresses. Use somethink like I've done :-))
am 06.01.2022 20:06
@niros These are the results from the site, I've blanked out my public ip 😉
Your IPv4 address on the public Internet appears to be XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) appears to be VODANET International IP-Backbone of Vodafone
No IPv6 address detected [more info]
You appear to be able to browse the IPv4 Internet only. You will not be able to reach IPv6-only sites.
To ensure the best Internet performance and connectivity, ask your ISP about native IPv6. [more info]
Your DNS server (possibly run by your ISP) appears to have IPv6 Internet access.
Thanks for the help!
am 06.01.2022 20:36
@Thilo29: okay, you have an IPv4 connection to the internet. So it is correct to use portforwarding.
Was there any important incident (like get a new cable-router or lightning strikes in the neigborhood or so on) in summer 2021, that could stop your portforwarding?
Is your minecraft-server reachable through the wanted port from another device (PC, laptop, ...) in your lan?
am 06.01.2022 22:51
@niros Nothing changed locally as far as I'm aware of.
With my PC as host, I have tried using my laptop as a second source to log in and it works too.
am 07.01.2022 09:42
@Thilo29: Please do another test only for your minecraft port on this site :
If the port is "filtered", the port is not forwarded!
If the port is "closed" means, that the port is forwarded but minecraft does not answer on it.