




[English] New FRITZ!Box 6660 Activation in Hesse

Hello Vodafone -


I am having trouble activing my new FRITZ!Box 6660 cable modem/router, which I purchased brand new. This is replacing a Vodafone Station I have been using for a year.


Unfortunately, I speak German very poorly, so I had a friend help me call support in order to register the new modem. This call was successful, and the person on the phone said the new modem would be registered in about 30 minutes. About 20 minutes later, I received a text message stating registration was successful, and the new device was ready for use.


However, it is still not registered properly. Speeds are very slow. When I logged into my Vodafone account, I saw that the MAC address was listed incorrectly.


I called support again, and this agent seemed extremely bored. Instead of fixing the problem, he put in a trouble ticket and said it would not be resolved for 2-3 days. 


My problem is pretty much the same as here:https://forum.vodafone.de/t5/Ger%C3%A4te/Fritz-box-6660-nur-1-1-Mbit-Vodafone-schaltet-die-Box-nicht...


I feel bad asking someone to keep calling (each time waiting for 20-30 minutes before getting an agent), but I just do not understand how the first agent was able to register the device, but the second one couldn't do anything but put in a ticket ? Could they not just delete the incorrect device/MAC and input the correct one? Do I have to deal with 1mbit internet for the next few days ?


Please help.

1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hello Saerian,


thank you for the data. I have created a ticket for you so that your device is entered correctly. Please have a little patience.


Best regards


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Lösung in ursprünglichem Beitrag anzeigen

7 Antworten 7

Hey Saerian,


I'm sorry that the first proviosioning of your new router failed because the wrong data were inserted. This fault needs to be corrected via a troble ticket. That can last a few days but should be resolved then.


If the problem can't be fixed during this week, please contact us via private message on our service sites on Facebook or Twitter. Then we can have a closer look on the problem.

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Hi DanyG -


Thank you for your response.


We have called multiple times and have been told multiple things, including being directed to departments that cannot help. I was even prompted through email to set up an appointment for a technician to visit our home. ... but there is no fault here at home. The problem is not my modem, the problem is someone input wrong information into your system.


I know you are trying to help, but it seems very strange to me that someone was able to enter the MAC address (although incorrectly) into the system in about 30 minutes after we called, but getting it fixed requires a trouble ticket that needs to be worked over a week?


I should also note that the old modem does not work anymore either --- so I have no home internet.


I am really struggling, all I have is mobile internet which is not very reliable where I live, and we work from home.


I had seen in previous messages here that the mods could fix such an issue through PM, can you not do that ?


For a closer look send me the following informations in a private message:


full name

date of birth


customer number


Write a short reply here afterwards.


Best regards



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Hi Tina -


Thank you for your message. I have sent you a private message as requested. I am looking forward to any help you can provide, have a great day.


Hello Saerian,


thank you for the data. I have created a ticket for you so that your device is entered correctly. Please have a little patience.


Best regards


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Hello Nancy -


Thank you for your message.


I can confirm that the correct MAC address is now showing on my account, and the connection is working again.


Thank you so much!


You're welcome . As your request is solved, I will close this thread now.

Best regards

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