am 10.01.2022 16:47
I currently have Kabelrouter Compal CH7466CE but occasionally having problems with Wi-Fi on far places at home. I want to get a Vodafone Station which has Wi-Fi 6 and it was the default option when I was changing my tariff.
I tried to call the customer support but it takes too long to connect to someone and on all my attempts there was noone speaking English.
am 12.01.2022 16:45
Hi selcukd,
did you order a tariff change and were promised a new router or why do you expect a different cable router? The Compal is sufficient up to a bandwidth of 500 Mbps. What speed did you book?
Best regards
am 12.01.2022 19:31
Hi Lars,
It was a tariff change with Vodafone Station. I don't have problem with the speed but signal strength on different places at home.
I tried changing WiFi settings like bandwidth, channel, etc. but nothing helped. I was hoping to get a WiFi 6 router that may solve the issue.
am 14.01.2022 15:24
Hi selcukd,
I am sorry to read that you are not satisfied with the Vodafone station. Unfortunately, if the device itself is not defective, we cannot exchange it.
am 14.01.2022 21:20
Below is the email I received from Vodafone on December 13. It mentions that I can receive the deveice I opted for if I want which was Vodafone Station.
Can you please let me know what I have to do to replace my current router with Vodafone Station?
Sie bleiben bei uns, deshalb stornieren wir Ihre Kündigung. Ihre Bestellung bearbeiten wir als Tarifwechsel zu
Ihrem Wunschtermin. So bekommen Sie alle Vorteile des neuen Vertrags und behalten zusätzlich die Ihres alten.
Ihre Vorteile des Tarifwechsels:
Ihren Anschluss nutzen Sie ohne Unterbrechung weiter, er muss nicht abgeschaltet werden.
Sie brauchen keinen Termin mit unserem Techniker zur Freischaltung vereinbaren.
Ihre Geräte müssen Sie nicht zurückschicken oder neu installieren. Es sei denn, Sie haben
sich für neue entschieden.
Ihre Kundennummer und Zugangsdaten für das Kundenportal bleiben gleich.
Nutzen Sie den Telefon-Anschluss? Dann behalten Sie Ihre Rufnummer(n) und alle Einstellungen.
am 17.01.2022 10:55
Hello selcukd,
I'm sorry, but there is a note about a device change. Your cancellation has been withdrawn and your contract will continue as before. That's what it says there.
Best regards
am 17.01.2022 16:46
Hi Nancy,
I originally cancelled my ongoing contract and signed a new contract because of the advantages in the tariff. Vodafone automatically treated this as change of contract instead of cancellation. I did not withdraw my cancelattion.
am 19.01.2022 09:57
Hello selcukd,
if a contract already exists, unfortunately a new one cannot be concluded in parallel. That's why you switched tariffs and didn't book a new contract. This also prevents duplicate charges. Unfortunately, I can only agree with the previous speakers, we can not offer you a new device, I'm sorry.