Worst Customer Service ever

I have contract with Vodafone since 3 years ago. But because of I move to another place, I transfer my contract to my previous roommate( we did the transfer December 2022). And since then they haven't work with our issue, and without noticing us. Vodafone keep charging me every month with overdue notice until this month (Agt 2023). I sent a new request for transfering the contract last month, but when I called customer service they don't know how long the process will take. Then they increase the monthly payment for Sept 2023 plus I need to pay the Overdue.

1 Antwort 1

Vodafone is NOT legally required to accept the transfer of contract ownership! Vodafone will even reject such transfer if they think that the "new" contract owner is not trustworthy enough..

And as long as the ownership has not been transferred, you are still the contract owner and have to pay for all outstanding dues if your previous roommate decides not to pay.


This is also the reason why I personally would never try to transfer a contract but would either relocate it to my new address -or- cancel it (due to my move). If there are other persons in need, they are free to create their own contracts, but that's nothing that is on me.