am 26.02.2020 13:06
I have Cable internet (200mbps/50mbps, with extra upload speed option), and today I just tested and my speed test is around 200down/3up.
REALLY!! Only 3 mbps upload!!
I am having issues with my upload speed since last year... This year in january, I decide to updagre my plan from (200/10) to (200/50) paying 3 euros more for the extra upload speed, trying to solve my low upload issue!!
I am having an avg of 5 mbps as upload speed during the day... Even paying the upload extra, may upload speed never pass 10mbps.
Please help!
am 19.03.2020 14:58
I've given you credit up to and including June.
am 19.03.2020 15:13
Thats is lovely!! Looking forward to having my upload speed back!!
I am having a hard time working from home... 1.2Mbps, just tested (19/mar 15:13)
Please, don't close this ticket! I would like to get notified about any update about this.
am 19.03.2020 15:33
@Wallace I just checked tha CableMax costs 39eur. Can I upgrade to this plan using my FAST 5460?
Because I am now paying 42eur for 200mbps and 50 upload.
I am more interested of having more upload.
so, I can migrate to cable max for 39eur?
am 19.03.2020 19:42
You can book the upgrade via the customer portal. You will then receive a new Docsis 3.1 capable cable router. But keep in mind that the bandwidth is currently not reached.
am 19.03.2020 19:44
@Wallace can you answer:
1) any idea what would be the download for my area? can I go over 200mbps?
2) My current router support the new plan? I will receive a new one for free?
3) more important question: is 39eur plan the final price? or just a discount?
am 19.03.2020 21:35
@radicalrj schrieb:
1) any idea what would be the download for my area? can I go over 200mbps?
If you can book the GigaMax 1000 MBit/s, it'll be the 1000 MBit/s max.
But there may be problems as long as the upload has problems as TCP packets have to be acknowledged and this may be a problem with your distorted upload.
@radicalrj schrieb:
2) My current router support the new plan? I will receive a new one for free?
If your current router is not capable of DOCSIS3.1, you'll get a new DOCSIS3.1-capable router for free - you then have to send back the current device.
@radicalrj schrieb:
3) more important question: is 39eur plan the final price? or just a discount?
It's the final base price without any additional options, e.g. only Internet without WiFi or other options.
This would especially mean the WiFi-Option for 2.99 € per month, the Homebox-Option for 6.99 € per month or the security package for 3.99 € or 4.99 € per month. Same for additional telephony options...
am 19.03.2020 23:28
@Wallace @reneromann ok, I will upgrade to the cablemax since it is cheaper!
Can I still have a discount on my billing because of the upload problem? (Wallace was talk about this above)
If I apply to the cablemax I will lose the reduction?
am 20.03.2020 02:22
My upload is broken since over 1 year already. Also just 3 mbit.
But I wish you good luck 😉
am 20.03.2020 17:12
Hi radicalrj,
wollen wir es mal mit einem Technikereinsatz versuchen?
VG Wallace
am 20.03.2020 18:59
@Wallace will the "vodafone technician" solve my problem?
You said that is a location problem!
I am looking into the cable max because is a cheaper option with 50mbps upload!
Also, you said that I will receive a discount, can you confirm that this discount will stay if I change to cable max? Otherwise, doesn't make sense to change my plan right now.