Very low upload speed! I am already paying for more upload bandwith, but didn't work out :(

I have Cable internet (200mbps/50mbps, with extra upload speed option), and today I just tested and my speed test is around 200down/3up.
REALLY!! Only 3 mbps upload!!

I am having issues with my upload speed since last year... This year in january, I decide to updagre my plan from (200/10) to (200/50) paying 3 euros more for the extra upload speed, trying to solve my low upload issue!!

I am having an avg of 5 mbps as upload speed during the day... Even paying the upload extra, may upload speed never pass 10mbps.

Please help!

56 Antworten 56



I've given you credit up to and including June.




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Thats is lovely!! Looking forward to having my upload speed back!!

I am having a hard time working from home... 1.2Mbps, just tested (19/mar 15:13)

Please, don't close this ticket! I would like to get notified about any update about this.

@Wallace I just checked tha CableMax costs 39eur. Can I upgrade to this plan using my FAST 5460?
Because I am now paying 42eur for 200mbps and 50 upload.
I am more interested of having more upload.
so, I can migrate to cable max for 39eur?




You can book the upgrade via the customer portal. You will then receive a new Docsis 3.1 capable cable router. But keep in mind that the bandwidth is currently not reached.




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@Wallace can you answer:
1) any idea what would be the download for my area? can I go over 200mbps?
2) My current router support the new plan? I will receive a new one for free?
3) more important question: is 39eur plan the final price? or just a discount?

@radicalrj  schrieb:

1) any idea what would be the download for my area? can I go over 200mbps?

If you can book the GigaMax 1000 MBit/s, it'll be the 1000 MBit/s max.

But there may be problems as long as the upload has problems as TCP packets have to be acknowledged and this may be a problem with your distorted upload.


@radicalrj  schrieb:

2) My current router support the new plan? I will receive a new one for free?

If your current router is not capable of DOCSIS3.1, you'll get a new DOCSIS3.1-capable router for free - you then have to send back the current device.

@radicalrj  schrieb:

3) more important question: is 39eur plan the final price? or just a discount?

It's the final base price without any additional options, e.g. only Internet without WiFi or other options.

This would especially mean the WiFi-Option for 2.99 € per month, the Homebox-Option for 6.99 € per month or the security package for 3.99 € or 4.99 € per month. Same for additional telephony options...

@Wallace @reneromann ok, I will upgrade to the cablemax since it is cheaper!

Can I still have a discount on my billing because of the upload problem? (Wallace was talk about this above)
If I apply to the cablemax I will lose the reduction?

My upload is broken since over 1 year already. Also just 3 mbit.

But I wish you good luck 😉


Hi radicalrj,


wollen wir es mal mit einem Technikereinsatz versuchen?


VG Wallace

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@Wallace will the "vodafone technician" solve my problem? 
You said that is a location problem!
I am looking into the cable max because is a cheaper option with 50mbps upload!
Also, you said that I will receive a discount, can you confirm that this discount will stay if I change to cable max? Otherwise, doesn't make sense to change my plan right now.