kabel rechnung

I am at the end of my rope with this absolutely terrible customer service.

They stopped the automated wire payments - my bank says it is not them but Vodafone. Since then, Vodafone has been harassing me saying I am not paying and adding crazy fees. 

I have emailed, called, texted, and sent letters. NO ONE answered. I talked once to someone on the phone who said I would get a call back the following day. That was 9 days ago. None called back.

I just called again, asking to speak English, and was told I should say "Operator". Of course, the vocal server does not recognise it and hangs up on me. I am furious. This is extremely expensive, and customer service is non-existent, on the contrary. 

I never thought I would ever regret 1 und 1 and French companies' customer services. Compare to Vodafone, they deserve Gold medals. 

Has any customer talked to a lawyer?

Please no answer such as "you can try but you won't succeed", or "they have more resources than you, they will always win".

I have had it up to here. They don't deserve our money anymore. 


3 Antworten 3

What do you expect to happen if you don't pay for your contract?


Wire payments only stop if there's not enough money to pay the complete amount - and in that case, there is no second try but the wire payment method is removed and you have to pay using wire transfer on your own. If you anyhow also fail to do this, Vodafone will add the costs for the failed wire payment (as there's costs for a chargeback or if a payment fails due to insufficient debit) as well as costs for sending you the payment notices...


So either you pay for your contract or the contract will be cancelled by Vodafone as well as Vodafone will charge you for the rest of the contract.


And as you are in Germany and German is sole contractual language, support also just needs to be given in German language if not otherwise stated in your contract. Support in any other language may be given on a best effort basis - but there's no guarantee that there's support in any other than the contractually agreed support languages at all.

Thank you for your response but it seems you did not read my post properly.

There was no reason Vodefone stopped taking the money on my bank account as there was money and the bank confirmed that to me. 

There is no reason why none answered my emails, letter or returned my phone call after being promised they would for FIVE MONTHS. Whether in English or German. 

So, I reiterate my opinion about the level of the customer service of this company: 0. 

@Djblc  schrieb:

Thank you for your response but it seems you did not read my post properly.

I think you haven't understood what I wrote.


@Djblc  schrieb:

There was no reason Vodefone stopped taking the money on my bank account as there was money and the bank confirmed that to me. 

Your bank cannot confirm or deny something - if your account didn't have enough balance at the time Vodafone tried to charge your account, your bank will simply deny the request and that's it. And this also will remove your bank account from the payment options and revert your accout to the need to pay using wire transfer.


It's up to you to then transfer the outstanding amounts in time - which you obviously didn't do - neither did you chechk and notice this in time that there were no charges nor that your invoices requested you to transfer the amounts manually...


And just to be clear: You are obligued by law to pay the outstanding invoices in time - either by direct debit -or- by wire transfer - if the former doesn't work, you have to take care for the latter on your own in time.