Very low upload speed! I am already paying for more upload bandwith, but didn't work out :(

I have Cable internet (200mbps/50mbps, with extra upload speed option), and today I just tested and my speed test is around 200down/3up.
REALLY!! Only 3 mbps upload!!

I am having issues with my upload speed since last year... This year in january, I decide to updagre my plan from (200/10) to (200/50) paying 3 euros more for the extra upload speed, trying to solve my low upload issue!!

I am having an avg of 5 mbps as upload speed during the day... Even paying the upload extra, may upload speed never pass 10mbps.

Please help!

56 Antworten 56

But the problem is not the cancellation of the extra upload speed!
I am supposed to have 200 and 10 upload, but right now I only have 200 and 6 of upload (just tested again).
So, even cancelling the extra upgrade option, I am still under my plan for 2 months.
How can we proceed to solve this? Can you raise this to a manager? 


Hello radicalrj,


the current option is 50 MBit/s in upload for you. With 10 MBit/s you are still within the contract with 6 MBit/s. Before the expiration of the expansion, there will be no technical improvement for you. Even a manager cannot change this.


Best regards Fred

Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes und Sternen!

I am working from home today!
09:51am, just tested 210mbps/4.4mbps (results:

Is less than half! It is just VERY sad that there is nothing to do about it. I have to do a lot of video calls today, sometimes I have to disable the camera because the upload speed hits incredible 1-2mbps only.


Hello radicalrj,


unfortunately there is no technical solution until the area is expanded. I'm sorry.


Best regards Fred

Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes und Sternen!

This is my 3rd time complaining about my upload speed... But this time I got incredible 0.50mbps of upload! I can not use my home internet anymore!
It is urgent, since next week I will work TOTALLY remote, and now I don't have internet for it! What should I do?
1) January, my upload speed was not great, so I booked the 50mbps of upload option to try to make it better!:
2) After one month, the upload speed was around 6mbps only... So I try to complain again:

This week, on 08/March, I got only 3mbps of upload and a REALLY REALLY high ping! I got few connections screenshots:
Screen Shot 2020-03-08 at 15.48.28.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-08 at 15.48.40.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-08 at 15.48.44.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-09 at 09.34.46.png

BUT TODAY, I got only 0,50 mbps!! REALLY!!! I can barely open!!
These are the connection details of today:
Screen Shot 2020-03-13 at 19.06.22.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-13 at 19.06.29.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-13 at 19.06.49.png
Please help!! I AM UNABLE TO WORK!!

Thanks for far for helping!!

Screen Shot 2020-03-14 at 15.47.50.png
Just tested again!! Please help!


just re-tested!! PLEASE HELP!

Same problem. I have 200 mbps download 12 mbps upload internet, but am receiving only 50 download and 0.5 upload with 100+ ping. I have been working by using my mobile data as a hotspot. Almost 2 weeks now and no solution.. My thread, if you would like to read it:

no solution for you yet? Very sad thing 😞 

The problem is that the source of interference / irradiance within your upload signal still exists and thus the upload modulation is reduced in order to get you online in any way. But this reduced upload modulation means that the bandwidth is reduced heavily - and that's what you see in your speed tests.


Unfortunately the source of interference has to be found and to be fixed in order to get your line back to normal operation mode - which takes time as it has to be checked where the source of interference is. This may take days or even weeks, depending on the size of the segment (usually multiple houses, maybe also some streets) and the possibility to access the components that may be located in other houses.