Very low upload speed! I am already paying for more upload bandwith, but didn't work out :(

I have Cable internet (200mbps/50mbps, with extra upload speed option), and today I just tested and my speed test is around 200down/3up.
REALLY!! Only 3 mbps upload!!

I am having issues with my upload speed since last year... This year in january, I decide to updagre my plan from (200/10) to (200/50) paying 3 euros more for the extra upload speed, trying to solve my low upload issue!!

I am having an avg of 5 mbps as upload speed during the day... Even paying the upload extra, may upload speed never pass 10mbps.

Please help!

56 Antworten 56

How do I raise this issue to Vodafone? I do not speak German 😞 😞 
I am complaining about my upload since January, and the answer is always "we are working on your area".
The sad thing is, in my building, only vodafone is allowed!
I am receiving WAY to less speed that I should, and to read "weeks" to solve a problem, is very very sad!

If they say that they're working on it, they're working on it. There is no way to speed things up - as, as I said, the source of the irradiation/distortion has to be found and fixed.


And please understand that cable networks work completely different than telephony lines.

Whereas you have a dedicated line for telephony lines / DSL lines and thus a distortion is mostly only affecting your line (or in rare occasions some lines in your house as they are all going out of the house as a single bunch of lines) and thus it can be fixed very fast, cable internet works completely different.

Cable networks use a shared structure meaning that multiple houses are connected to a single main line -and yes, this main line is only one cable- and thus an irradiation/distortion coming from any of the houses distords all(!) connections to all(!) of the lines connected to this single main line. And this makes finding an error so much more complex and time intense than it is with DSL/telephony lines - as you have to check in each connected house if the source of the irradiation/distortion is placed there. And it's even more complicated if the owners won't let you in and/or the irradiation source is not distorting the signal all the time but only to certain times [like a device that is not connected to the cable network all the time -or- a device placed next to cable network equipment that irradiates heavily, as some "cheap" power supply units (mostly from china).

Please HELP!!! Today speed test:
Screen Shot 2020-03-16 at 11.00.51.png

Hello radicalrj,


there was a back-channel jammer active in your area. Our colleagues fixed the problem this morning. How does the upload look like now?


Best regards Fred

Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes und Sternen!

what is exactly  back-channel jammer? Is it possible to have the problem again later? 

So, another question about the cable internet plan: Is there any limit in terms of download and upload quota? My company send us to work remotely for the next months. Should I be careful to not exceed any download / upload quota? Can you clarify this?

I just tested the speed, please help, I need at least 8-10MBPS of upload to work properly.

download 198.73Mbps

upload 2.66Mbps

So, the problem is still happening!!

Screen Shot 2020-03-16 at 14.47.07.png


Hello radicalrj,


a return path interferer is a superimposed interference signal in the upstream. Yes, the problem can occur again.


There is no limitation of the Internet. Neither upstream nor downstream.


Are you testing the connection via LAN on the modem? Was WLAN deactivated and all other network participants disconnected? The back channel is currently clean. Is this around the clock?


Best regards Fred

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still the same... 2mbps of upload.. I just did the test (13:58h)!

Screen Shot 2020-03-17 at 13.55.34.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-17 at 13.57.30.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-17 at 13.57.36.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-17 at 13.57.40.png
I am connecting my computer directly to the vodafone router. Same/similar results.


Hi radicalrj,


unfortunately we cannot do anything for you here until the current network expansion is completed.




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Can I request a discount or something? I am paying for 200/10 (actually paying for 200/50), and I am receiving 93mbps/1mbps (just tested again 18/mar 15:48)!
Is way less comparing the the normal 200/10 plan 😞