Problem with cancelation of contract

Dear Vodafone,

Sorry for writing in English, my German is not great:

Around 5 months ago I wanted to change my contract from DSL to Kabel. I called the Vodafone service to do this, and I changed the contract to Kabel.

A technician came to my apartment and installed the Kabel router. However, the plug for the kabel was in the middle of the hallway, so the router was in the middle of the hallway. Since I did not want to drill holes into the wall to move the router, I decided to cancel the Kabel contract. I called the Vodafone support again, and I asked them to cancel the Kabel contract and keep my previous DSL contract. At this point the person I talked to acknowledged my cancelation and asked me to send the router back, which I did. 

Recently I checked my bank accounts, and I discovered Vodafone was now taking money for 2 contracts. One for my DSL contract (which I am currently using), and one for the Kabel contract (which I canceled).

I think this must have been a mistake, and I would like to have the money I payed for the Kabel contract refunded.

Info about the contracts:
- Kabel:
Kunden-Nr: xxx

Kunden-Nr: xxx

Both of the contract are on the name: 
Pieter Develtere

Thank you for the help,

Kind regards,
Pieter Develtere


EDIT: customers-numbers removed for privacy reasons.

6 Antworten 6

Hi Pieter,


let's take a look. Send me your customer number, name, date of birth and address in a private message.


Then reply again here in the post.




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Hi Pieter,


the contract was concluded on 10.10.2018. We received the revocation only on 02.11.2018. Unfortunately the period of 14 days was over. We have told you this also several times. At the moment I don't see any possibility to terminate the contract prematurely.




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Hi Thomas,


Just the fact that I have 2 running contracts shows that something must have gone wrong no? And yes the contract was concluded on 10.10.2018, but only later, when someone came to install the router, that same day (02.11.2018 ) I called Vodafone to cancel the contract AND THE PERSON ON THE PHONE CONFIRMED THE CANCELATION.


You have recordings of the phone calls, you must have that phonecall somewhere... So I sent my router back like the person asked. After that, after a few months, when I saw the contract was not canceled, I called support, and even they said that I should definitly not be paying for 2 contract, and they redirected me from service to another service. Until in the end someone sent me here.


I think the fact that I am paying for 2 contracts right now is a mistake on your end, and is unacceptable. Please resolve this.


Kind regards,



Hallo Pieter,


you got a confirmation on the contract. In it all terms were indicated and the way of the revocation. If I don't get a confirmation of the revocation, I will ask for it as soon as possible. We cannot trace the calls or listen to the conversations.




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Hallo Thomas,


Sorry for the late reply.


You said you would ask for a revocation as soon as possible, but I still haven't received any emails or messages confirming this. I have now cancelled the Kabel contract myself, since you were not really any help.


Still I would like to ask for a refund of the entire duration of the Kabel contract since I have not used a signle megabyte of it.


You say that I got a `confirmation on the contract`. But I also got a `confirmation of the revocation of the contract`. I am really disapointed in this whole process, and the fact that you cannot aknowledge that one of your employees must have made a mistake, even if it was misinforming me about the cancelation. Maybe the question you should be asking is: how can it be that this person is paying for 2 contracts?


When the sales people of vodafone encouraged me to switch contracts (from dsl to kabel), I agreed. They then promised me that the dsl would end automatically once the cabel contract started. So I would have expected either one of the following situations:


- I changed to the cabel contract and my dsl contract ends.

- The cabel contract is cancelled and the dsl contract continues.


HOWEVER: since neither my cabel contract was cancelled (like the person from the vodafone support said it was) and neither my dsl contract was cancelled when that cabel contract didn't end. Following that logic, something must have gone wrong don't you think???


Kind regards,





Hi Pieter,


i think you got me wrong. The point was that I can only revoke the contract if there is proof that you submitted the revocation within the deadline. If this is not the case, the contract will continue and will only be terminated at the end of the term.  


It is true that the first order was cancelled. But then a new order was placed and there was also a technician on site.  




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