am 25.10.2020 20:50
Hello everyone,
I have a problem since a few days that i cannot resolve myself.
I use a macbook air running Catalina 10.15.7 connected to my home network Vodafone kabel station.
I have connection and I can load websites such as Google, gmail, Facebook, Wikipedia, youtube, South China Morning Post.
On the other had I cannot load most of the other website, including Vodafone, Amazon and eBay, newspapers websites, smaller sites etc.
It says I cannot establish connection to the server.
I've tried connecting other devices (phone, apple devices, pc) to my Vodafone station and they work perfectly, they load all pages.
I've tried as well to connect my macbook to other wifi networks, and it also works perfectly!
So the problem seems to appear when i connect my macbook to my home network, which is the one i really need, I'm in home working for the next 5 months at least.
I've done some researches and seems like i cannot reach ipv4 address, while i connect to ipv6 addresses (google, etc.).
I followed tutorials, reset factory configurations, manual configurations, but nothing seems to work
Something that i noticed, comparing my setting to other devices, is that in ipv4 configurations, i don't have an router's IP address, and i cannot insert it manually, it does't recognise it…
I would be very grateful is someone has an idea about how I could fix this.
Thank you very much!
am 31.10.2020 21:09
I can take a look at the connection 🙂 Will you send me your customer data (customer number, name, address and date of birth of the contract holder) via private message?
Then please let me know in the post when you have sent me the data.
am 01.11.2020 11:51
Hi Tobias,
I just sent you a private message,
thank you!
am 03.11.2020 14:47
Hi Tobias,
did you see the problem look at my connection?
thank you
am 05.11.2020 14:35
well, there is actually a problem on our network, but that shouldnt be the problem you have. So, did you try to factory reset the device? Also, you could try to activate the bridgemode (in that case the "router" disables hisself, but the device works as a modem), so you can try to plugin your pc on lanport 1. You can change that after it, so, you can deactivate it after the tests. In that case your device will be running with ipv4 and maybe that helps.. 🙂
am 12.11.2020 20:59
HI Tobias,
I connected to the routher with an ethernet cable and reset it to factory settings. All parameters looks good there.
Still, I have on my macbook this weird IPv4 adress wich doesn't allow me to find the router.
I renew the DHCP lease, but it comes back again.
Any idea how i could change that for my correct IP address?
Thank you!
am 17.11.2020 14:57
Hello Paolo5,
did you also set the cable router to bridge mode?
Best regards, Martin
am 18.11.2020 12:10
Hi Martin,
no, i didn't sent the router to bridge mode,
I simply plungged in landport 1 with the cable,
and internet works fine this way,
Still i hafe problem with the wifi (only ipv6 adressed can be reached)
What shall i do?
thanks for your help,
am 23.11.2020 08:32
Hello Paolo5,
I see that the 2.4GHz and 5Ghz frequencies use the same name and password. Can you please test if it works if you only use one frequency or name them differently?
Best regards, Martin
am 26.11.2020 15:25
Hi Martin,
I've tried to separate the frequancies and to use alternatively 2.4Gz and 5Gz with no results,
still the same problem…
What can i do alternatively?
Thank you for your help!
Best regards,