Kabelanschluss hat nie funktioniert

Sehr geehrte Vodafone Kabel,

mein Anschluss funktioniert nicht. Es hat nie funktioniert. Der Rest dieser Text wird auf Englisch sein; bitte weiterleiten an jemanden, der es lesen kann.

[this was a mail, until every single address I tried bounced saying the mailbox wasn't monitored. So even though I tried sending this in private, my only recourse left is posting it here.]

First, it is a real hassle that Vodafone's helpline doesn't accept EU phone numbers that don't start with +49. EU roaming is a thing these days. There's no reason for me to have a +49 telephone numbers, especially as all German operators xxx compared to most of the rest of Europe.

Regardless, I have tried calling a number of times (from a clunky German phone I don't like using) but keep getting forwarded between different people who say I'm in the wrong department, and after an hour or so, my patience and/or energy with this for the day runs out. (I have a business to run as well.)

Therefore, please understand that I'm not interested in calling any helpline any further and being sent between departments after waiting for 15 minutes at every new department. I just want my problem solved, and calling apparently doesn't solve it.

I have customer number xxx. It is a new cable connection, one supposed to have a static public IPv4 address, and it has never been online. I have followed all instructions. I have obviously tried turning it off and on again. The cable modem stops its connection progress at "searching for downstream frequency", never finding one. The power LED double-flashes green in intervals.

The attached pictures show how things are connected and the MAC address of the cable modem.

Please do whatever you need to do to make this connection come online as I'm paying it to be.




Edit:  Strange initial format of text, insult towards employees and personal details removed.


11 Antworten 11

I'm supposing there's a signal problem or the lines are out of order. I'll send a technician to check it out on site.


Following your response, a technical team booked an appointment and indeed worked on the lines in the building for quite a while. Everything's operational now. Thank you for your assistance!





Hi Rick,


I was happy to do that. I am glad that everything went so smoothly and that you are now online.


This thread will be closed here. If there are any issues in the future, we are here for you.


Best Regards, Manu


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