am 03.10.2018 14:27
I'm a new Vodafone kabel customer and have received the Vodafone station. I installed it two weeks ago and initialisation started but the Internet led remained red and blinking. I've created an account using the activation code. I've received emails stating that my connection will be activated as soon as we connect the station. Despite several reboots, the Internet led is still red and blinking.
Any clues about our issue, please?
Thank you.
am 03.10.2018 14:59
Very simple issue:
Your line has a problem and you need a technician to fix it...
am 04.10.2018 08:23
Thank, that's what I was thinking... Any way to get support in English? All the first steps when calling the assistance number are in German and I'm not enough good yet to understand :(.
am 09.10.2018 15:39
Hey MarieD,
we are happy to look at your request. Please simply send us your data (name, customer number and address) by PN.
As soon as this is out, announce yourselves again here in the contribution.
Best Regards
am 10.10.2018 21:05
Hello Anett,
Thanks for your reply. I sent you the information through PM.
am 12.10.2018 11:42
Hi MarieD,
a new installation order has been placed. The colleagues have already tried to reach you. They left a message on your mailbox.