am 26.05.2020 11:23 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 29.05.2020 10:24 von Mav1976
Hello. I have some problems with my internet. My german language is not good, so I can't explain my problem to operators who I call. So there is number where i can call and speak english?
*** @Pu1992 , thread moved from feedback to cable forum! ***
am 26.05.2020 16:57
am 27.05.2020 19:34
Hey @Pu1992,
what Internetconnection do you use?
Just give us here your exact tariff description.
am 28.05.2020 21:48
I'm sorry, it's just not a problem what others can help. That's why I asked does anyone knows a number where I can call to operator who speaks English. There is just problem with my payment and now I don't have an internet connection. And I really need it.
am 28.05.2020 22:32
am 29.05.2020 09:47
I have kabel.
am 02.06.2020 09:27
Hello Pu1992,
I'd be happy to take a look at the line. Please send me a PN with your customer data (name, address, customer number and date of birth).
Then please contact me again here when you have sent me the data.
Best regards