[English] Internet problems and tech support shouting at me

Good day!


I have recently moved to Germany and my German is not very good yet. Apologies for that.


I am having some problems with my internet, mostly packet loss and lag spikes.


What contract do you have? Red Internet & Phone 1000 Cable
Which modem / router do you use? Vodafone Station
Do you use a rental device from us or do you have your own device? Loan device
Which error occurs? Packet loss and lag spikes
How is your device connected to the modem? LAN
Which browser do you normally use? Chrome
Which operating system do you have on your computer? Windows 10
Start and period of the fault June
Upload a screenshot of the signal values. You can find this in the user interface of your cable router via or via at the Fritzbox.
What measures have been taken by the fault hotline (available at 0800-5266625)? See Below
In which state do you live? Berlin


I already called the support line for exactly 27 times but unfortunately, they don't want to help me.
Allow me to go over the whole story so far.


When I arrived in my new apartment, I needed internet. I saw that you offered internet up to 1000 Mbit and I was very interested.
I called the sales line and politely asked if someone could help me in English. Of course, that was no problem. After a quick call they setup everything and sometime later I received everything to set it up.
I had some hiccups with my internet in the beginning but nothing that I found worth calling over.


At some point at the end of June, I started to notice a lot more issues. Playing games was becoming a lot more difficult.
I decided to call the tech support line for help. I again politely asked if someone could speak English and the person that I got on the phone did.
After some questions the person told me that they would investigate it and they would let me know the status of the problem. I gave them my international phone number and my email address.
I asked if it was okay to give a non-German phone number and they said it was fine.


After waiting for around 2 days without hearing anything I was getting worried. I called again.
The person told me that they checked it and that my internet should be working fine. I said that it was not. They told me that they would look at it again. I once again verified that they have the correct phone number and email address to reach me.


Again, the next day I heard nothing about it. I was worried that maybe there was some miscommunication and I asked one of my colleagues to call for me in German. After she called, they said that everything will be fine and asked for my phone number again.
My college gave my phone number but then the tech support person said that they cannot call international numbers. I was very confused and somewhat angry that no one told me this before. My college gave her number and they told us that they would keep us updated.

After maybe less than a day she gets a text message with a link to the tickets page on MyVodafone. This was the first time that I saw this. All the tickets that were open were now closed.

Of course, my internet was still not fixed. My college called again in German and asked what's happening. They said they could not find the problem and offered to send me a replacement coax cable.


Later that week the cable arrived, and I tried it out. It did not change anything. I asked once again for my college to call. They said they would send over a technician to check the connection in the house.

The next week the technician arrived and checked the connection. He said that the problem was the connection in the street not a problem inside the house. Another ticket was created on the website.
A few days later the ticket got closed. My internet was still not working. I myself called the tech support again and they told me that it should be fixed if the ticked is closed. I said it was still not fixed and they would check it out again.

At this point I did not believe that anyone fixed anything. The person seemed confused and just wanted to get rid of me as quickly as possible.

Sometime later someone called my college telling her that they can't fix the problem. She was also getting angry at the poor customer service.


I decided to call again to find a solution. I again asked politely for some that speaks English but this time they just hung up. I called again and this time they put me on hold for at least 20 mins.
I was getting very frustrated and angry, but I kept it polite. I called again and this time was probably the worst reaction I ever had. I once again asked politely for someone that speaks English. She told me in angry German that they never speak English. That is of course is a lie as I already spoke to a lot of people in English
I was now really frustrated and asked why before some people could speak English. She told me that if I move to Germany, I should know how to speak German and she hung up.


I called once again hoping that I get someone that is polite.
But oh no, I though that the previous person was rude. The next person told me while shouting in English that no one speaks English and that I should never call here again.
I was genuinely speechless. At this point I just wanted to get rid of Vodafone, the worst company I ever had to deal with.


I called again, but this time I called the people who I called initially, the ones who sold me your internet. They were initially very polite but after I explain my story and asked them to stop my contract, they put me on hold for around 10 minutes and then just hung up.


At this point I don't know what to do. I tried my best to have working internet but seems that Vodafone is only interested in taking my money and not doing anything for it.


To summarize:
- If I give you an international phone number PLEASE TELL ME THAT YOU DONT WANT TO CALL IT. At least send an email!
- Why do tech support people tell you bull*** to make you happy and go away?
- I know I should speak German and I tried by having a college call for me. However, I cannot ask her every time to call for me because your service so bad that it takes forever to get something done. So, there is no need to shout at me for not speaking German. You can politely tell me that you don't speak English (even in German I can understand quite a bit of German) and i can completely understand that.
- Don't put people on hold then hang up or hang up before even talking to the person.


I still want to resolve this issue, but I want to know why tech support can shout at people and why it is seen as acceptable that you lie to people and give them no support when there is an issue.


But if there is nothing you can do to help me or no one wants to help me, you can cancel my contract and refund me. I will find another internet provider that does not shout at customers.


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5 Antworten 5

Hi Kuhn46,


you went through quite a lot with our support. I apologize for that.


I'd be happy to check your connection. Send me your customer data (name, address, customer number, birthday) in a private message and then let me know here that you have transmitted the data.




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I send you the data.






Currently, a disrupter is radiating on our upstream and is thus causing a massive error rate. Our technicians are already in the process of isolating and eliminating the interference.




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Thanks for checking.


Do you have any rough estimate on when the issue will be fixed?




Hello Kuhn46,


unfortunately we do not have any information yet how long it will take. But you will be informed via SMS when it is fixed.


Best regards


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