19.09.2024 15:55 - bearbeitet 19.09.2024 15:56
I am vodafone kabel customer and I am experiencing problems with online gaming, as for some games is very hard ( if not impossible ) to match make with other players. With less popular / older games I can be match-making for up to 1 hour and no luck.
My research shows me that I have Carrier-grade NAT enabled, which is what causes trouble with the matchmaking. How can I disable the CG-NAT?
This is problematic, as If I can't play my games I need to consider a new internet provider. In general the Vodafone Kabel service is good, with the exception of this problems of matchmaking.
am 20.09.2024 13:02
There is no more individual support here in the forum. Support in English is available via WhatsApp
The forum is now just a customer helping customer forum.
Best regards Kurt