Connection Problems after switching to 1000Mbit

Hi All,


We have experiencing some connection problems which were not occurring with our old modem (which was provided by Vodafone 100 mbps connection). The same setup was already at home before and were working perfectly. You can see our device list and the product distribution in the house on the attached document. After accepting the 1000Mbit offer and receiving the new modem, we started to experience lots of problems and our connection does not show any stability. So our basic problems are as stated below:


  1. All apple products needs to be Wi-Fi restarted (settings and turning off and on Wi-Fi) to work correctly. Especially apple tv`s and iPhone.
  2. All social media apps stuck after 12 seconds on watching videos like Instagram, Facebook and YouTube (settings and turning off and on Wi-Fi),  Wi-Fi should be restarted.
  3. Amazon products (echo dots) have serious connection problems. They constantly disconnect from network.
  4. PS4 games constantly disconnects from respected game networks (Call o Duty disconnects from Activision server, Fifa20 from EA server and PS4 from PSN server).
  5. Having constant speed problem (200 to 400 mbps, sometimes 10-100 mbps)
  6. Streaming apps problem, like having bad quality with Netflix, Amazon video.
  7. Modem restart daily 1 times and sometimes 2/3 times.
  8. Teckin smart plug is not recognized by the modem and could not be integrated into home network.

So for the most of the problems we have to restart connection of the device Wi-Fi or directly restart modem.

We will need your kind support to resolving sated problems.

1 Antwort 1

Hi Akar,


Are the problems only via WiFi or also via LAN cable. Do the 2. 4 and 5GHz WiFi have a different SSID? Can you please perform a factory reset and see if it is better afterwards?




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