- zuletzt bearbeitet am
I want to make a complaint related to the fact that for one month the internet access was restricted due to your lack of professionalism and mistreatment. There were 3 -4 invoices paid in 3 weeks and still appear in the system with 2 open payments and every time going to shop they told in 3 days you’ll have access and so it last one month and it would have last longer if I did not interfere today and manage to contact finally someone that speak English.
As you can see in the attached documents, the payment for the October invoice was made on 24.10.2019. And still stayed without internet because your customer support/people from shops did not know to tell the accurate balance situation. We even paid twice the 2.8 euro -once 3 euro in 16.10 and twice 2.8 included in the invoice of 54.28 euro on 24.10 and today is 2nd of November, more than 2 weeks time you could have been updated the payments in your system. I even uploaded the proof of payments on 26th of OCtober via contact form on your online page. Nothing happened.
Today, after talking more than an hour with your Customer Support none knows english, they all close my phone in my face. Unbelievable, THE WORST COMPANY EVER. THE WORST EXPERIENCE EVER.
First of all it is not acceptable not to have internet access for a month thus the payments of the invoices weRe done, even the one issued on 21st of October (that, by the way, does not include a due date as all invoices-how is it possible????; the invoice arrived on 25th of October and the payment was done in advance on 24th of October) and still in your system it appears as being not paid and the shop people and customer support told us that we have to wait. wait what????
I simply cannot believe that the payment of 3 euro (a chargeback from a previous invoice) made on 16th of October is not updated in your system, not even at this moment, thus today is 26th of October. It is outrageous and totally unacceptable for such a brand.
Secondarily, the credentials for online access for My Vodafone did not arrive at home and I had to make 2 calls (30 minutes again) to receive the online code, as previously I was told it lasts like 3 days to receive it by email. 3 days to receive an email??? In the digital era???? Are u serious???
The last, but not the least, the contract includes also phone cable services and didn't benefit of them since 30.01.2017 (date of contract activation), thus the payments for the services were done on monthly basis. You commit here an abuse, as there were several requests to receive it and be implemented and nothing happened. This a breach of the contract from your side.
Under no circumstance, I will not accept anymore a situation like this and the next time if happens we'll meet at court. And of course Deutsche Telekom will be more than glad to receive us, being the leader on market share in Germany.
In the end I am exhausted, fed up, upset and disappointed about everything- customer support, shops, technical assistance, treatment etc.
The customer experience 0.
Very sorry guys, but for such a brand I consider unacceptable. I also work at Vodafone and it is the first time I see something so messy. I work in marketing and treasure the brand and I am customer driven. Vodafone is part of an international Group so this treatment is absolutely unacceptable. We are all under Vodafone Group policies and procedures.
We supposed to be digitally driven and CARE is a strategic pillar for Vodafone and have to wait one month so you can update the payments???? 3 days to receive a code via email???? Not talking about treatment... I am simply astonished.
You took advantage of the language and nationality barriers of Mr Molea and applied a mistreatment, which is against discrimination policies and I will further escalate this situation.
Dont post personal data, attachment removed, MS
am 02.11.2019 21:55
So you are complaining about a process that is only necessary because YOU were UNABLE to PAY IN TIME?
Even in your "digital" world, some of the steps are NOT completely digital and happen in real time - like bank transfers.
By the way: If within that time a new invoice has been created, your customer account balance is still open - and your access won't be re-enabled until that additional invoice has been paid.
am 03.11.2019 16:03
Hi danielamo,
before I say anything more, I want to look at it in the system.
Please send me your customer number, name, address and date of birth by private message. Please contact me here in the thread as soon as you have sent the PM.
Best regards