06.04.2019 16:23 - bearbeitet 06.04.2019 16:35
Diesen Monat erhielt ich einen neuen Abzug von 8.85.
OTHR else. Transact Kd.No. xxx VK xxx Rg. xxx from 25.03.19 Vodafone says thank you
Wo finde ich den Grund?
Additional Billing of €8.85 being deducted
This month i got this deduction:
OTHR else. Transact Kd.No. xxx VK xxx Rg. xxx from 25.03.19 Vodafone says thank you
Where can i find what this is related to?
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 08.04.2019 14:42
Hello Igor_,
nice to hear, that you already got an information. You use two products. One is a mobile product with your smartphone (Red M). It includes calls to all German numbers and free EU-roaming.
The other one is a fixed net contract then (DSL or cable) with your internet connection at home.
Regularly these accesses include a flat to German landlines, and with GigaKombi a flat for calls to German mobile numbers and European landlines. These are two different products and you get several bills for them.
am 08.04.2019 11:27
Hello Igor_,
I will have a closer look on it. Please send me a private message with the bank details from the deduction, so I can check, what happened.
08.04.2019 12:30 - bearbeitet 08.04.2019 12:31
Hi Dany thanks for reply.
Yesterday i could found a english operator over vodafone call center.
He told me that i have 2 contracts, One for Mobile and other to house.
This second payment is related to my second contract.
What is weird in that situation is that I have (Red M + festnetz).
So I pay 30 euros for red M + 30 euros for cellphone + 19,99 euros for festnetz.
Red M does not include festnetz right?
am 08.04.2019 14:42
Hello Igor_,
nice to hear, that you already got an information. You use two products. One is a mobile product with your smartphone (Red M). It includes calls to all German numbers and free EU-roaming.
The other one is a fixed net contract then (DSL or cable) with your internet connection at home.
Regularly these accesses include a flat to German landlines, and with GigaKombi a flat for calls to German mobile numbers and European landlines. These are two different products and you get several bills for them.