am 03.04.2020 09:56 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 03.04.2020 10:12 von WolfgangF
To whom It May concern,
I have to return a Kablerouter ( f88b37539939) for which I received a notice mid March 2020.
On the 30/03/2020 I received an email from Vodafone, stating that given the "special time", I had 60 extra days for returning the device, please see below (in blue).
"Lieber Vodafone-Kunde,
gerade ist alles ein bisschen anders. Deshalb möchten wir Ihnen in dieser besonderen Zeit entgegenkommen:
Sie haben jetzt 60 Tage mehr Zeit für die Geräterücksendung. Die Frist beginnt an Ihrem zuletzt bestätigten Rückgabetermin.
Bleiben Sie gesund und noch einen schönen Tag.
Freundliche Grüße, Ihr Vodafone-Team"
However, on the 02/04/2020 I received a new contradictory email, asking me to return the devide as soon as possible. I do not understand why you are offering to extend time at first and after few days channging your mind.
Anyhow ... to avoid any confusions, could you please tell me which is the expected return date of my device?
Kundennummer: xxxxxx
Thanks and best wishes
Edit: Hi @ACA I've removed the customer number. Please do not post personal data in a public forum. BR WolfgangF
am 03.04.2020 21:26
we have extended the return for all customers. So you have the extended period as confirmed. The mail that came afterwards is automated and the new date was not taken into account and therefore you can ignore it. Sorry for the confusion.
am 04.04.2020 10:24
Hi Thomas,
thanks for your answer and prompt reply.
The reason of returning the device is due to the fact I had to switch from Kable to DSL internet. I have experienced some troubles in dealing with Vodafone´scustomer service for assistance (at stores and on the phone) and I have still open matters that I would like to settle.
Could you help me with that?
Best wishes,
am 06.04.2020 17:20
is it about questions regarding the new DSL contract? Then you would have to open a new thread in the DSL board.
Best regards