am 05.01.2021 18:32
I sent a termination by post on 19.12.2020 but I am yet to receive a termination acknowledgement by post from vodafone and when I try to login into my vodafone kabel account, it says that my contract has expired, hence I can't login. Can anybody tell how long it takes to get a written confirmation of termination by post?
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 07.01.2021 13:39
Hi anuragdahiya,
you can already send it now. You don't have to wait until March.
Yes, you can send us the SEPA-mandate for another bank account. You can send this via our contact form.
am 06.01.2021 10:28
Hello anuragdahiya,
I'll take a look at it.
Please send me your customer number, name, address and date of birth by private message. Write me here in the thread as soon as you have sent the PM.
Best regards
am 06.01.2021 12:26
Hi Lars,
Thank for your reply. I want to know the status of my contract. Is it already terminated? Do I need to pay anything further, since my bank account linked to this contract is closed as I am moving back to my country?
Also, I still have modem with me. How and where I can send it? Thank you.
am 06.01.2021 14:11
Hi anuragdahiya,
thanks for your pm.
Your contract isn't cancelled yet. In December you wrote us that you move to a German address, where you can still use your cable contract. Now your are posting here, that you move back to your home country.
Which is true? Are you moving within Germany to an address that we can supply or are you moving abroad?
- zuletzt bearbeitet am
Hello Stephan,
I sent the termination on 19.12.20 because I was told by vodafone customer care that since my new address already have a vodafone cable contract (which belongs to my brother, with the customer nr. xxx) hence, I can terminate my existing contract prematurely and all this information was mentioned in my written termination letter as well as in my online request as remark.
So I presumed that my contract has been cancelled because when I tried to login into my online account, it was showing that my contract has been terminated
Last week I decided to move back to my country and therefore, got myself de-registered from Germany and closed all my accounts presuming (quite naturally) my vodafone connection is already terminated. Tomorrow I have my flight back. Please guide what to do further.
am 07.01.2021 07:40
Hi anuragdahiya,
thank you for your feedback and clarification.
I then take moving notice from 18 December as the starting point for terminating the contract. Your contract ends prematurely on 18 March this year.
am 07.01.2021 08:11
Hi Stephan,
Thank you for your response. As I have previously mentioned that I have closed my bank account linked to vodafone contract, so can you please tell me how vodafone will charge the bills upto 18 March now?
Is it possible to transfer the complete or monthly bills to some vodafone bank account?
And furthermore, can you also tell me that where I have to send the vodafone modem?
And lastly, kindly tell me that when I will receive the termination in written from vodafone?
Thank you.
am 07.01.2021 11:12
Hi anuragdahiya,
you'll receive the confirmation via e-mail. In this confirmation you can also find the address for the router.
Since you already closed your German bank account, you can transfer the bills until March to this bank account:
IBAN: DE13 3807 0059 0045 3357 00
Please state your contract or customer number as the reason for transfer. This way, the transfers can be added to your customer account.
am 07.01.2021 11:29
Hi Stephan,
Thank you for the clarification. I have just last 2 questions:
First, can I send the router now or I have to wait till 18 March?
Second, if I want to change the bank account (to my brother's account) linked to my contract instead of direct transfer to vodafone's account, can I send the "SEPA-Lastschrift-Mandats" form by e-mail? If yes, at which e-mail address?
Thank you again for all your support and help.
am 07.01.2021 13:39
Hi anuragdahiya,
you can already send it now. You don't have to wait until March.
Yes, you can send us the SEPA-mandate for another bank account. You can send this via our contact form.