am 06.05.2020 17:48
Dear Vodafone Team,
Firstly apologies for posting in English as my German is not very good.
I am a Vodafone Kabel Internet customer since April 2019 and I had requested for a change of plan (lower speed and lower tariff), which would be effective from April 2020 onwards for the remainder period of the contract, which was to continue till April 2021.
I just casually happened to login to the meinkabel portal and I was surprised to see that I got a letter (dated 06.04.2020) 'Zusage Kündigung', which mentions that my Internet contract is being terminated. I also see another letter with same subject (dated 11.04.2020) and it mentions to return the WLAN-Kabelrouter to the mentioned address.
I have not requested for termination of contract. Also, I am out of Germany since 01.03.2020 and am not able to return back to Germany because of Covid situation. I would not be able to return back before end of July 2020.
I would not like to terminate Vodafone Kabel internet services.
In case the Internet service can be restored, I would request to suspend the services till I return back and restore after I request for it (which I would communicate) extending the period of the contract by the period the services were suspended. (If it can be done)
In case if it is already terminated and cannot be restored, request to provide me some time so that I can return back to Germany and ship the WLAN-KabelRouter.
Please help me in this regard.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 07.05.2020 13:21
Hello sameer_rao,
something went wrong, but we're gonna fix it. Your fare changed at the beginning of April, just like you asked. I canceled the cancellation for you. Your contract cannot be suspended until you are back in Germany.
Best regards
am 07.05.2020 13:21
Hello sameer_rao,
something went wrong, but we're gonna fix it. Your fare changed at the beginning of April, just like you asked. I canceled the cancellation for you. Your contract cannot be suspended until you are back in Germany.
Best regards
am 12.05.2020 06:26
Hello Nancy,
Thanks for cancelling the cancellation.
Thanks for the clarification regarding the query of temporary suspension/postponement of services.
I just checked Ithe Vodafone - MeinKabel portal and I received documents mentioning that services are continuing.
Can you just clarify regarding the inactive period - from when the services were cancelled (06.04.2020 - based on the Zusage Kündigung letter) to when they were reactivated (07.05.2020), Was internet service provided during this period? If no, then would it be adjusted in upcoming bills?
am 12.05.2020 11:27
Hello sameer_rao,
the termination would have been on April 5, 2021. Your contract continued to run the whole time and will therefore be charged. The calculation is correct. So it all checks out.
Do you have any questions?
Best regards
am 12.05.2020 12:58
Hello Nancy,
Thanks for the clarification. I understand that the contract would have been running till April 05 2021.
I was under the impression that the internet services were cancelled between the two dates (Zusage Kündigung and reactivation letter).
am 13.05.2020 14:49
Hi Sameer,
the contract continues to run with the previous term. So far everything should be clarified or do you have any questions?
am 13.05.2020 15:00
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for the clarification.
No further questions.