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am 22.10.2018 09:15
Hello Vodafone,
I have a cable-internet contract. But after one week I signed the contract, I got a digital-HD-Recorder which is not included in the cable-internet contract. I want to cancel this HD-Recorder and send it back to you. I have contacted you via post and via Email, you said the 14 days cancellation is gone, so I can't cancel it anymore. Here I want to tell you the reasons why it has to be canceled:
1.I never signed the contract with you about the HD-Recorder and I never said 'yes, I want this TV cable (HD-Recorder)' on telephone. I think you don't have any proof either. You just sent this Recorder to me without asking my permission!
2.You sent it to me on 17.09, I was on vacation until 17.10, my neighbor took the package for me, she is an old lady and she doesn't know what is this package! I got the package on 17.10! and on the same day I got it, I contacted you. So I did it in my fastest way!
In summary, you can not send me a Recorder without letting me know, and then you say if I can't cancel it in 14 days, I have to take it. The precondition for the 14 days cancellation is that I know it before you send me the package! So again, please cancel this Recorder contract as soon as possible and I need an offical email about the cancellation. Then I can send the Recorder back to you.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
Akzeptierte Lösungen

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am 05.11.2018 18:20
newest update:
the problem is solved. The contract is canceled.
I wrote a letter to complaint management in Erfurt and told them that I never approved this order. Then they canceled it. Hope is helpful to those who have a similar experience as me.
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am 22.10.2018 20:15
Hello Mengze,
welcome to our community. Nice to see you.
I can't make you any promises, but I'll see what I can do for you. Send me the following informations in a private message:
full name
customer number
Please reply here when you have sent the private message.
Kind regards

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am 23.10.2018 07:55
I have sent you a private message with title 'HD Recorder'.
thanks for your help!
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am 23.10.2018 15:23
Hello Mengze,
the tv-contract was concluded on 15th september of 2018 via our telephone customer service. In this case, no signature is required. The order confirmation (the package) was sent to you on 18th september of 2018. I'm sorry, but I can't give you another answer.
Best regards

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am 23.10.2018 15:52
Hi Tina,
but at least you should have the voice record for that?
I remember that I called vadafone at roughly that day because I didn't receive the WLAN Router, I ask them if they could send me again, but I'm sure that I never say yes to the order of a tv-contract.
and why that case no signature is required? according to which law? and do you have a voice record showing that I really said yes to this tv-contract?
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am 24.10.2018 15:28
Hello Mengze,
no signature is required in the case of a distance contract. The consumer has a right of withdrawal in the case of a distance contract. The withdrawal period (14 days) begins as soon as the instruction has been delivered.
Recording of conversations is for training purposes only
Best recards

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am 30.10.2018 08:13
Hi Tina,
The problem is: I never signed a contract in the first place. Therefore all rules of vodafone for cancelling a contract are invalid in this case. The whole process is fraudulous. Moreover, I tried to cancel before by phone, but I have been told it was impossible because of the 14 days delay, even stating that I never signed a contract for a TV subscription.
If you can't help any further, could you please forward my case to the Complaints Department or tell me how to contact them? Thanks a lot.
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31.10.2018 15:18 - bearbeitet 31.10.2018 17:47
Hello Mengze,
as I've already written to you, a signature is not necessary.
You can reach our complaints department at the following postal address:
Vodafone Kabel Deutschland
99116 Erfurt
Best regards
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am 31.10.2018 16:06
@Tina@ schrieb:the tv-contract was concluded on 15th september of 2018 via our telephone customer service.
Hast du tatsächlich die Gesprächsaufzeichnung gehört? Ich war der Meinung, dass die Moderatoren an diese nicht rankommen. Vermutlich steht das nur im Datensatz so. Und wenn kein Vertrag geschlossen wurde, gibt es auch kein Problem mit einem Widerruf.

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am 31.10.2018 16:37
ich bin ganz sicher dass ich keinen Fernsehen-Vertrag am Telefon geschlossen habe. Nun habe ich Vodafone schon 1 mal per Post, 1 mal per Email, einmal über das Forum und 2-fach per Telefon kontaktiert. Aber jedes Mal sagt der Kundenservice dass der 14-Tage Widerrufsfrist vorbei ist. Was würden Sie mir empfehlen weiter zu tun? Danke.