am 28.08.2018 13:30 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 05.09.2018 19:19 von Jens-K
I tried to reach the customer care regarding the same subject above, unfortunately I could not find help in English.
could any of moderators help me in this regards!, thanks.
waiting for an repsonse!
Edit: Moved from Mobilfunk to DSL
Edit 2: The customer number that you have sent to me belongs to a cable connection. I moved your thread to the corresponding board.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 06.09.2018 12:27
Hello Stephan,
I am glad that I am here on right forum now, atlast :).
thanks for your info, I have couple of questions here on
- If I opt for 25 MB/s internet, would my contract again extends for 2 years?
- what is my latest date to cancel present contract and go for a different supplier?
- what is the consequence, if I want to cancel the contract right now or next month?
thanks in advance.
am 06.09.2018 16:18
Hi satish_a,
yes, if we change the contract, the contract period would start again with two years.
You can cancel your current contract to 14.06.2019 and the latest date of sending us a cancellation is 21.03.2019. If you send us a written cancellation now or in a month, the contract will also expire on 14.06.2019.
am 07.09.2018 13:22
Hello Stephan,
thanks again for all the info given.
One last question before making my decision,
is '25 MBit/s for 24,99 Euro per month' the cheapest offer I can get? or Can I go even lower in speeds for lesser price.
Because I do not use internet anymore often, thanks.
am 07.09.2018 16:44
Hi satish_a,
that's our cheapest and slowest cable connection.
am 10.09.2018 13:32
Hi Stephan,
OK, if that's the case. I would like to continue with the same tariff and terminate the contract at the end.
Could you guide me through the process of termination?
am 11.09.2018 14:34
Hi satish_a,
since we cannot accept any cancellations here in the forum, you have to use the contact form. Please type in "Kündigung" and follow the instructions.