am 15.12.2018 09:56
am 15.12.2018 18:15
There is no right for a premature cancellation for personal reasons - you signed for a two-years-contract, so you'll have to keep it and pay for it for the whole two years.
In case Vodafone would let you go, you'd have to pay all the outstanding monthly fees (the whole price agreed for the rest of the contractual term) - there is no reduction at all.
am 15.12.2018 18:41
Na ja, auch eine Rückkehr z.B. ins Heimatland könnte ein persönlicher Grund sein.
am 16.12.2018 13:15
am 16.12.2018 13:20
That's kind of a game changer...
If you moved to another location where Vodafone is not able to provide the contractual agreed services, the contract will end 3 months after the moving date -or- the date the cancellation request is received by Vodafone (the later one counts!). This is the "normal" procedue in accordance to the telecommunications law.
Next thing:
If there is already a cable contract with Vodafone within the new location, Vodafone would usually be capable of providing both contracts at the new location (in so far no cancellation possible in accordance to the telecommunications law). But Vodafone allows then the cancellation of the cheaper contract within the 3 months period (as I said - they usually don't have to, but they'll do it on their own).