19.01.2021 10:18 - bearbeitet 19.01.2021 10:26
Last year at the end of October I left Germany and moved back to the UK. I canceled my GigaCube contract a week before I left by sending a letter and including my Abmeldung.
I have yet to receive a cancellation confirmation and I am still being charged. My German language skills are unfortunately not good enough to sort this out over the phone.
Could someone help?
Thank you
am 21.01.2021 18:53
Hey @MartWhitt,
well, if it is a GigaCube you can´t cancel the contract before the end of the 24 month contract period.
So probabaly the cancellation request was put in to the end of this.
I can check that for you if you want.
Just send me your Kundennummer and Kundenkennwort.
am 23.01.2021 17:21
Hey Boris, appreciate the reply.
I have sent you a message.
Thank you.
am 28.01.2021 15:36
Hey MartWhitt,
your pm has arrived - my colleagues have already answered.