am 10.07.2020 15:45
I need a new internet router. I called the customer support, but they hang up when heard me speaking english...
am 10.07.2020 16:10
which router do you have and could you please post a screenshot of the docsis signaling which can be found on the router webinterface.
kind regards
am 10.07.2020 17:30
Hi Nikita,
Unfortunately, I have a problem exactly like your problem.
I have a DSL-Kabel 50 service with CH7466CE Wireless Voice Gateway modem - Firmware version
My modem does not work when I use both Band Modes (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz), Therefore, WiFi goes completely down every ca. 10 minutes. so it doesn't work. but when I turn off Band Mode 2.4 GHz, everything goes well again. unfortunately both networks are affected.
I even get the Trace Route from, Local path and gateway. I can see clearly where the problem is. I phoned the vodafone several times on this subject, and even opened a ticket. but unfortunately nobody understands me. Actually this is very simple, the modem has to be changed, but unfortunately they do not do this.
Best regards,
am 13.07.2020 08:04
Hello Nikita_Kovalov,
before I just switch the router, I want to check the line. Please send me a PN with your customer data (name, address, customer number and date of birth).
Then please contact me again here when you have sent me the data.
Best regards