




Question about changing contract



I have some questions and I hope that you can help me.

I moved into my current apartment half a year ago and I am currently using the internet contract (also from vodafone) signed by my previous tenant, which will expire on 22nd Oct, 2020. I applied for a Vodafone cable internet contract today via check24.de. I received the new router and connected already. I am wondering:
1.. What should I do with the old modem?
2. How do I know if I am still using the old contract (which will expire soon), or am I already using the new contract?

3. I don't recall providing the information of which apartment in the building I am living in, is that OK?

Thanks a lot, please let me know if there is any further information required. Also, apologies for this being in English, as my German level is very basic.

I look forward to your reply.

Best regards

6 Antworten 6

Cable networks work different than DSL networks.

There is no dedicated line that is assigned to your contract - thus it does not matter in which floor/appartment you live - all antenna outlets will provide you with "your" line if you connect the router that was supplied with your contract. The identification which line to use is based on the RF-MAC (so the MAC address of the modem part) of your router - and as this is unique for each cable modem/cable router, the Vodafone system can distinguish between the one from the old contract and from the new one - but as all the antenna outlets in the building share the same signal, it doesn't matter which floor/appartment you live in. Please don't worry that other people may read your data - that's not possible as the data is encrypted differently for each cable router.


So just connect "your" cable router and you'll use your line.


And what should happen to the old one:

You (or better the contract owner) has to send the (old) cable router back to a Nuremberg address - something like "Vodafone KabelDeutschland / Am Tower ... / ... Nürnberg" (you should find this address also on your paperwork). This has to be done on your (or better: the contract owners) own expenses and on your (or better: the contract owners) risk - thus please use an insured and trackable service like "Paket" and not "Päckchen".

If the router is not returned in time (e.g. 14 days after contract ending), you'll have to pay a fine for not returning the device in time - usually something between 60..100..160..250 €, depending on what kind of cable modem/router it was.

So just take the old router together with all of its accessoires (e.g. Power Supply, 1 LAN cable, antenna cable, Multimedia Adapter) and send it back.


Hello Sodaphone,


the old router must be sent back within 14 days, otherwise it will be charged our return address is as follows:


Vodafone Kabel Deutschland GmbH

c/o DHL Paket

Am Tower 222

90475 Nürnberg


reneromann has already explained it to you nicely. You are identified via your terminal device at your connection, so to speak, and your booked bandwidth is activated.


Do you have any further questions?


Best regards


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Thanks a lot for the nice answer! There's one more thing that you I need help with, so I have set up the internet (with seperated 2.4GHz and 5GHz), everything is going well, except that my girlfriend's phone cannot find the Wi-Fi signal. It works well on both of our laptops and on my phone, but not her phone. I have tried manually adding the Wi-Fi connection, but it still did not show up in the list of connectable Wi-Fi's. I've also tried the WPS button, also didn't help.


Could you please help me? Thanks in advance!


Thanks a lot for the nice answer! There's one more thing that you I need help with, so I have set up the internet (with seperated 2.4GHz and 5GHz), everything is going well, except that my girlfriend's phone cannot find the Wi-Fi signal. It works well on both of our laptops and on my phone, but not her phone. I have tried manually adding the Wi-Fi connection, but it still did not show up in the list of connectable Wi-Fi's. I've also tried the WPS button, also didn't help.


Could you please help me? Thanks in advance!


Also, the page layout of the router settings ( seems to have changed since I last log in, and it is constantly showing me a blank page. I tried using a different browser, reconnecting to the internet, rebooting my laptop, none of it helped.


Hello Sodaphone,


are you connected via LAN or WLAN? Do you get an internet connection with other devices? Have you ever done a power reset with your router?


Best regards


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