No support for english user

I got router, but not able to install it. Customer care dont understand English. I don't know German.


I cant use the router. I cant cancel the contract. No one responds to emails.


What should I do? 

106 Antworten 106

@Shadab  schrieb:

Now who will do the electricity and the earthing rail?

According to your own post:

@Shadab  schrieb:

Technician came, but VF box in basement wasn't connected to the Electricity. Now he asked to make an appointment with cableway Electrician to do the wiring.

And yes, not every technician for cable wiring has the necessary allowance to do work on electrical circuits (e.g. wiring of 230 V circuits & creating protective earth wiring / PE common rails). I know that CableWay has some Eletricians that are allowed to do that - but they'll usually come at another time as they are not "on standby"/"on hold" but also have a tight schedule.


The interesting part about this is that your landlord should've known that your part of the house is not connected to the cable network instead of telling you that it already is. Because the wiring and parts inside the house are usually in his obligation and the clear cut between the Vodafone network (from the outside) and the internal house network is the so called "Hausübergabepunkt"/HÜP - so the main connecting point - and this is located between the amplifier box (part of the house network) and the outside connection.

@reneromann  I will again ask to stop showing your intelligence and let the moderator respond.

@ERFD who will do the remaining electricity connections and the earthing rail?


Hello, Shadab,


unfortunately, the order does not state exactly whether this has to be done by Cableway or by the manager.


Best regards Fred

Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes und Sternen!

Well Fred, you need to check then with person who wrote the order. How are we going to solve this if you keep sending me one line answers and not take ownership and call up everyone in cableway or wherever and get this done?


Hello, Shadab,


I've merely informed you of the current status. The whole process continues in the background and will not accelerate even if you ask me daily.


Best regards Fred

Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes und Sternen!

Well Fred, I know the current status. I am asking you what you plan to do next. We need cableway guy to come over and fix the remaining issues.

Today cableway person setup the station, my router is now showing all light as white. But the wifi isnt showing on the devices network list. Can you please ask the cableway to send their guy and finally do this?

Please check within your contract if you have booked the WiFi option. If not, the WiFi function is disabled and cannot be enabled by yourself. You then either need to book the WiFi option -OR- use your own WiFi access point or WiFi router directly connected to the Vodafone router.

@reneromann plz let the moderator respond.

I need to cableway guy to come and fix whatever issue it is.

@Shadab  schrieb:

@reneromann plz let the moderator respond.

I need to cableway guy to come and fix whatever issue it is.

The cableway guy can't fix it - if your contract is WITHOUT WiFi, then there will be no WiFi and even the cableway guy cannot fix this.


Please check within your contract documents or the cable customer service website if your contract DOES contain the WiFi option or not. If it does not, there won't be any WiFi signal from your router (as I already said) until you book the WiFi option. This is the same information that a Moderator will give you - you then only have the option to either book the WiFi option - which means that your router will restart and WiFi is enabled from this moment on -OR- to use a separate WiFi access point / WiFi router directly attached to the provided cable router.


And I repeat: WiFi is NOT part of every contract! If your contract does NOT include WiFi, then WiFi is NOT available and CANNOT be enabled on your router - neither by you nor by any technician / cableway guy - UNLESS you book the WiFi option (which will then automatically enable WiFi on the provided cable router).