am 05.08.2019 20:39
I have a Red Internet & Phone 50 DSL, VDSL50000. My internet connection stopped working last week.
Messages on software page.
Internet: nicht verbunden (both IPv4 and IPv6)
On the Fritzbox: DSL light always green on. WAN line always green on (I tried also LAN cable but same result). Info light always RED on.
After trying to reset the Fritzbox, now situation is even worse. Now I cannot even see the software page anymore.
am 06.08.2019 12:22
Hey giacsist,
what happens when you try to setup the router with the modeminstallationcode?
Do you get any errormessage?
Please keep in mind that after a factory reset the default wlan password is active.
Can't you reach the webgui of the browser , even with a direct lan connection?
Best regards,
am 07.08.2019 22:23
Hi Andre,
No error message that I can remember.
I have alwasy been using the default password.
Now I cannot reach the webguide of the Fritzbox even with cable LAN.
Tried different laptop. Tried different browsers. Nothing.
I would like to open a Service Ticket, do you know how I can do it?
am 08.08.2019 10:12
Hi Andre,
I am ready to pay for a technician to come and fix it, honestly I don´t think it will be fixed with the calls to the Service Center.
Do you know how can I require the service?
am 10.08.2019 08:42
Hi giacsist,
please send me a private message I will check the connection and open a ticket if needed.
I need your name, customer number and mobile phone number.