19.06.2018 22:40 - bearbeitet 19.06.2018 22:42
I am new here in Germany and can not speak English.
I have ordered A cable router connection from Vodafone. After receiving it, I have set it up correctly. However, my Internet LED (@ sign) is almost constantly busy and it shows no connection. I have established the wifi network but it is not connected to internet. Customer service said my port is not activated and they want to activate it. I have waited for 2 weeks and it is still not working! it shows in progress ..
please HELP !!
am 22.06.2018 13:31
Hello bastifahad,
There seems to be something wrong.
Please send me your full name, address and customer ID via a private message. After that I will check your connection.
Kind regards,
am 25.06.2018 14:37
am 26.06.2018 10:38
Hello bastifahad,
Thanks for your private message. One of our technicians will call you soon to arrange an appointment. That's the only way we can make it work. You could also call him. Have you received a message with the contact details?
Kind regards,
am 26.06.2018 13:22
am 26.06.2018 15:44
Hello Basitur,
I have double checked the phone number. My colleague should call you soon. If not: That is his number: 089540444210.
Kind regards,